Gift Exchange 2017

Feb 16, 2018 21:30

After having to deal with Portuguese Post being absolutely awful throughout the whole month of January and half of February..... my gift package finally arrived :D
Without further delay, here's the utterly lovely contents (which are absolutely worth waiting for, and instantly mitigated my annoyance at all past proceedings <333), courtesy of your_insomnia

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Comments 3

ikel89 February 20 2018, 09:14:01 UTC
Ahh I'm charmed by everything in this package <3 and TREMENDOUSLY RELIEVED that this unfortunate saga has a happy ending :D


your_insomnia February 20 2018, 15:20:54 UTC
I'm very happy this worked out!! Please enjoy the chocolates. They're from some boutique chocolate place. Idk I tried their hot chocolate and it was vv good!! Also, I wish I could see the photos but I think we need to be friends because they appear to be locked? In any case, I'm adding you to friends :DD


lightofthewind February 20 2018, 16:04:42 UTC
I hope you can see them now :D (not that they're anything spectacular because my lack of talent for photography is legendary, but still :p)
I've since tried the orange chocolate, and it's great!! And I'm sure the rest will be too :D
Thanks once again! <33


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