Long Time, No Write Too.

Jun 25, 2004 18:34

Hiya journal! Well, it's been forever since i've written in here! It's been way to long, actually. So much has gone on. I need to write about the Oscars, and the LOTR's clean sweep. That was back in Feb.!!! LOTR/ROTK was up for 11 Oscars, and won them all!! Whoohoo!! I was so happy for Peter Jackson, cast, and crew! The deserved every win!I cried ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

teresarosewood June 26 2004, 04:49:44 UTC


Thank You, Teresa!!! ((HUGS)) lightofthemoon June 27 2004, 00:17:17 UTC
Hey Teresa! So wonderful to hear from ya! Hope you're doing well! Aw, and thank you for the sweet b-day wishes. I've had a wonderful birthday! Such a blessing. Love and Hugs, Moony :)


bagendbabe June 26 2004, 07:13:36 UTC
Moony!!! Happy, Hobbity Birthday!!!

I have missed you on here - we are all such busy hobbitses.

Hope you have a wonderful day - Elijah is on his way round to give you a huge kiss and...... whatever else tickles your fancy *wink* LOL!!!!!

Love you lots!!!!



Thank You, Julie!! ((HUGS)) lightofthemoon June 27 2004, 00:14:39 UTC
Hiya Julie! I have missed being on her, so much. Short one time, but i'm goig to make some time to write more. *crosses fingers* Thanks, again, for all your wonderful b-day wishes! I've had a wonderful birthday! Oh, and Lij made it on time! Instead of cake, I just added frosting to his body, and well you know! Hahahahahaha!

Speaking of which, that icon, of Elijah's lips, juicy!!! Yummy! I like that icon! Well, bess get going. Few more folks to reply to. Thanks again, love and big hugs, Moony :)


Hey! :) falcon_animagus June 26 2004, 09:05:22 UTC
It's been a LONG time since you posted, hasn't it? Good to see you back here! :)


Re: Hey! :) lightofthemoon June 27 2004, 00:08:00 UTC
Hey Jade! How goes it, friend? I know its been forever since i've written in my lj! I must keep up with it. I get so distracted, easily. But, im glad to hear from ya, and pray you are doing well! Thanks, and keep in touch! Love and Hugs, Moony :)


x_ariadne_x June 26 2004, 15:40:07 UTC
Hey honey, it's me Sarah (you know, from the Living In Middle Earth group on yahoo) ^____^ I didn't know it was your birthday. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!

By the way, are you friends with Angie (moonbeauty)? just curious ;D



Hiya Sarah!!!! lightofthemoon June 26 2004, 23:31:47 UTC
Hey Sarah! How are you doing, doll?!! Yep, today is my birthday. ANd, I thank you for the sweet b-day wishes. I've had such a busy day! If I eat any more b-day cake, i'm going to exsplode! LOL! It's been a wonderful birthday, though.

As for Angie, yes she is one of my friends. A very dear one. She's such a sweetie. And, oday is her b-day to! Do you know her? Well, bess t going. So good to hear from ya, and please keep in touch! Love and Hugs, Moony :)


Hiya Sarah!!!! lightofthemoon June 26 2004, 23:31:48 UTC
Hey Sarah! How are you doing, doll?!! Yep, today is my birthday. ANd, I thank you for the sweet b-day wishes. I've had such a busy day! If I eat any more b-day cake, i'm going to exsplode! LOL! It's been a wonderful birthday, though.

As for Angie, yes she is one of my friends. A very dear one. She's such a sweetie. And, oday is her b-day to! Do you know her? Well, bess t going. So good to hear from ya, and please keep in touch! Love and Hugs, Moony :)


Re: Hiya Sarah!!!! x_ariadne_x June 26 2004, 23:38:22 UTC
Hey sugar :) I'm absolutely fine, apart from this cold I have, but I'm surviving ^___^
Aw, I'm glad you had a cool birthday :) Yeah, I noticed on Angie's journal that she said it was her birthday, so I put up a birthday post for her in my journal, and then I read that she put that it was friend "Moony's birthday" too, and I just though to myself there aren't that many Moony's around, and then I saw your post (coz I have you on my friends list) saying it was your birthday, I put two and two together, and there we go ^____^

Yeah, Angie is so sweet, and has very good taste in music too *hehehe* She got me to listen to Rasputina, which I adore her for now ^___^

Yup, we have to keep in touch because I miss you from that group on Yahoo. I ended up leaving myself, but then rejoined last week coz I kinda missed it *hehe*

I'll talk to you soon
Love Sarah


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