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action; mistyarc January 3 2012, 09:43:13 UTC
[A festive mood's the last thing he's in at the present, so Hubert's taken the opportunity to train on his lonesome while (most) people are bustling outside in the shops and stores and generally being busy with the season. Not everyone is a part of that crowd, and neither is Hubert. The Battle Dome is still a popular place to be; as such, the barracks is the ideal location for Hubert to get some forms and techniques down again.

And that's where he'll be for a long time.]


action; lightningcute January 3 2012, 17:14:57 UTC
[Pao-lin doesn't frequent the area surrounding the barracks as much as she does the other parts of Luceti, but in the interest of seeing if maybe she could run into a few friends there she's wandered over today, and that's when she spots Hubert training.

With a smile, she goes over to find a place to sit down and just stalk him watch him quietly for a bit. Deja vu, amirite?]


action; mistyarc January 7 2012, 07:40:35 UTC
[It's in the middle of a swing that Hubert catches a glimpse of Pao-lin and stops abruptly -- and awkwardly, what with the way his torso is twisted. Straightening, he pointedly ignores the . . . odd headpiece . . . and lowers his weapon with one hand, the other hand fixing his spectacles.]

Ah -- [clearing his throat.] You could have announced your presence.


action; lightningcute January 7 2012, 07:48:05 UTC
Yeah, but I like watching you fight.

[ -- okay so she's only seen him fight during their first meeting and she might've caught him in the Battle Dome once via the viewing floor but DETAILS.]


action; mistyarc January 7 2012, 08:11:31 UTC
[He reacts a tad bashfully at that, taking a moment to look away and pocket the two pieces of his dismantled weapon.]

Can I help you?


action; lightningcute January 7 2012, 08:22:43 UTC

It's Christmas! What else would I be here for?

[She beams as she gets up and holds out the bag of treats to him.]

Here's your present!

[If he opens the bag, he'll find gingerbread Huberts inside with the other cookiestuff she made. Probably more to his interest, though, would be the card attached to the outside of it. One side of the card features a sketch of two stylized logos -- a dragon and a gunblade, obviously, clearly recognizable as such but also oddly pairing together well aesthetically. The message on the other side of the card reads: Dragon & Gunblade: New Hero pair! Maybe one day it'll happen, huh? Merry Christmas! From Dragon Kid.]


action; mistyarc January 7 2012, 09:43:50 UTC
[Present. She got him a present?


Eyeing the bag almost suspiciously, he eventually takes it when Pao-lin continues to hold it out to him. It's a present, he reminds himself. He'll . . . look at it when he gets home. It's a present from Pao-lin; Dragon Kid; Hero. That's enough for him for the time being, and his movement's just a little too jerky for his taste right now. He doesn't have anything to offer in return.]

. . . is this fine?


action; lightningcute January 7 2012, 09:50:04 UTC
Well, yeah. Why wouldn't it be? [Of course she's giving gifts to her friends on Christmas, especially now that she has quite a few of them.]


action; mistyarc January 7 2012, 10:01:13 UTC
[A pause. Let's just be blunt about it.] I have nothing to give in return.


action; lightningcute January 7 2012, 10:05:26 UTC
[Pao-Lin, on the other hand, doesn't miss a beat.]

Don't worry! I don't care too much about that, anyway. Of course it's nice to get things, but I like being able to give presents to my friends more. As long as they like what I give them, that's good enough for me!


action; mistyarc January 10 2012, 09:00:10 UTC
Is it really . . .

[Well, it'd be pointless to ask after she already confirmed it. Readjusting his grip on the bag, he looks off to the side, suddenly feeling, ah, lame?]

Thank you.


action; lightningcute January 10 2012, 09:08:40 UTC
You're welcome! I think the cookies should taste okay, but let me know if they don't, all right? I just started learning how to cook, so...

[Yeah, chica's hardcore enough to take crit on her presents. :|a]


action; mistyarc January 10 2012, 10:59:51 UTC
[He nods. A bit of an odd request, considering it's supposed to be a gift, but he wouldn't turn down an offer to be completely honest. Though with the last bit she tossed in there, he's not so sure about the cookies anymore . . . ]

They should be fine if you followed the recipe.


action; lightningcute January 10 2012, 12:22:07 UTC
[She nods.]

They tasted pretty good when I tried them, but I just want to make sure! [She tilts her head.] You're...not doing anything for Christmas today? [She can guess that Christmas or something like it is probably not a holiday from his world, but why turn down an excuse to have fun?]


action; mistyarc January 19 2012, 04:53:58 UTC
[He shakes his head.] It's the same as any other day. [To him, anyway, which is why he isn't bothering. He doesn't even know that many people on a personal level.

And he isn't so attached to Luceti even after all this time to really get into it.]


action; hubert tags are the best thing to come home to, trufax lightningcute January 19 2012, 08:28:49 UTC
I guess Asbel and Cheria aren't doing anything, either? [She hasn't yet guessed how friendless this loser is. Just wait until she finds out.]


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