Mod Challenge 01: Promote Promote Promote!!!

Aug 11, 2020 10:08

Description: Pimp lighthouse_the!

Points: Max 100 points
- 10 pts to create a banner
- 5 pts if others can use it
- 5 pts per pimping post
- 15 pts per referral from new member

Note: Other pre-made banners can be found here.

Due Date: Saturday, October 31st. 23.59 Pacific. Countdown clock here; Time converter here
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mc 01, cycle 05, user: blue_sunflowers, promotion, graphics, challenge, mod challenge

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Comments 7

Q/C blue_sunflowers August 11 2020, 17:15:14 UTC

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RE: Q/C tiara August 17 2020, 19:30:39 UTC
Am I only able to make one banner for this? Not multiple to help max out the points, right?


RE: Q/C blue_sunflowers August 18 2020, 16:29:19 UTC
You may make more than one banner.


neaptidea August 17 2020, 23:37:26 UTC
My banner(s):

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emmatheslayer September 15 2020, 01:13:53 UTC
My banner(s):

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seraphina_snape October 24 2020, 12:36:17 UTC
My banner(s):

... )


ciuciuvaraworld October 31 2020, 22:58:31 UTC
My banner(s):

... )


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