Mod Challenge 01: Promotion!

Jul 21, 2019 03:49

Gonna start a bit early with a Promotion Challenge! Try and spread the word for our new community before we officially start!

Description: Pimp lighthouse_the!

Points: Max 75 points
- 10 pts to create a banner
- 5 pts if others can use it
- 5 pts per pimping post
- 15 pts per referral from new member

Note: Mod challenges do not count towards points cap.

Due ( Read more... )

mc 01, user: blue_sunflowers, promotion, graphics, challenge, mod challenge, cycle 01

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Comments 22

mark_pierre August 4 2019, 23:12:21 UTC
My banner(s):

... )


magical_sid August 11 2019, 15:08:22 UTC

catko August 19 2019, 05:24:50 UTC
My banner(s):

... )


meridian_rose August 21 2019, 12:27:43 UTC
My banner(s):

Can others use them: yes

Links to pimping posts:
Dreamwidth personal
Livejournal personal
historyisalie LJ comm
tumblr personal
leonardo-artista tumblr blog

... )


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