Lighthouse Challenge 26: Ghost Stories

Oct 15, 2019 04:40

Since Halloween is right around the corner, this activity is for telling ghost stories! Or about Autumn!

+Write 3 100-word drabbles
+Relate them to Halloween or Autumn in some way

Requirements: Post drabbles as a new comment and then link them under your team's submit form.

+50 points per drabble
+1 for sigtag
Total: 50- ( Read more... )

guest host, challenge, challenge 26, user: dragongirl3745, cycle 01

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Comments 29

sidhe_faerie October 26 2019, 21:51:44 UTC
Drabble 1:
Title: Meeting Auntie Nyssa
Fandom: Arrow
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Felicity watched out the window as Mia was chasing leaves in the yard. She closed the curtain and looked over her shoulder at Nyssa sitting at the table.

“I’m sorry but I don’t know who else to ask. She needs to know how to handle herself and I’m just not the one to do it.”

Felicity went to the door and opened it. “Mia come in.”

“Mama, I brought you these.” Mia handed her some leaves then went over to Nyssa. “These are for you.”

Nyssa smiled at her. “Thank you. We shall get to know each other very well.”

Drabble 2:
Fandom: Arrow
Rating: G
Warnings: none ( ... )


seraphina_snape October 27 2019, 13:39:07 UTC
Drabble #1:
Title: Halloween Explosion
Fandom: Leverage
Rating: G
Warnings: ---

Hardison stepped into the Brew Pub and froze in his tracks. Every single surface was decorated for Halloween. Excessively. "Um… Parker?"

Parker appeared like a ghost, completely silent and practically out of thin air. She grinned. "Hi!"

"Babe, what's all this?"

Parker bounced. "Do you like it? It took me all morning to get it just right!"


"Well? Do you like it?"

Hardison cleared his throat. "It's very… you."

Parker's grin widened even more and she gave him a quick hug. "Thanks! I'm gonna start on our rooms now."

Hardison sighed heavily.

Next to him, a plastic skeleton laughed.

Drabble #2:
Title: Itsy Bitsy
Fandom: Leverage
Rating: G
Warnings:"Get that fake spider away from me," Eliot growled, reaching out to grab it from Parker's hands ( ... )


catko October 27 2019, 21:51:28 UTC
Fandom: Firefly
No warnings or ships.
Words: 165

Jayne stuck his head inside the engine room and bellowed, "Kaylee! You in here, girl? Mal's yellin' for you."
Kaylee's head appeared over the edge of the hammock. "I'm here, Jayne. Tell Mal I'm coming." She looked downcast and started to clamber out of the hammock.
Jayne watched her suspiciously. "Whut's with you, girl?" he asked, glowering. Kaylee held up a dried leaf as she passed by him. Jayne turned to follow her. "Whut?"
She swung around. "Just bein' in that town just now, seein' 'em celebrating the harvest 'n' all. Reminds me of home." She turned back down the passage and trudged toward the cockpit.
Jayne watched her go, and considered. Not being one for silly romantic ideas, now she mentioned it, being out in The Black did sometimes make a body homesick. Thinking back to the Harvest Festivals back in his own town, he thought about the apples he had stashed in his bunk, and tried to remember how to make apple cider.


emmatheslayer October 30 2019, 07:42:42 UTC
these will not be beta'd until after the challenge so these will be rough

Title: Our first Halloween
Fandom: Call me by your name
Rating: g

Its Halloween My first actually with Oliver , My Ollie My lover , He didn't go back to New York He stayed her with me in italy . We even got our own place together and I could never be any happier then i am at this moment . we are shopping for costumes for our first Halloween costume Party as boyfriends , lovers partners , I don't Know the right word for what to call us . But I know that This Halloween is the best one I will ever have because he is here with me and I am with him and whatever crazy costume he picks, I will adore because I love everything he does even if he picks horrible costumes

Title: Boo
Fandom: The Politician
Warnings: Boo , Payton jumped from his book and looked up to see River in a clown mask , Payton don't you ever have any fun come on its Halloween lets do something fun ( ... )


mark_pierre October 30 2019, 21:03:51 UTC
Title: A Defense Dog
Fandom: real life
Rating: G

Years ago when my besties and I met Samanta, she invited us to her parental house.
We were accompanied by a family dog that was shaking like he was sick, but it turned out it was not the case.
“He’s just scared because the house is haunted” said Sami, “but he’s a true defense dog, you’ll see soon enough.”
Upon our inquiring, Samanta described multiple weird noises, sightings and occurrences experienced by all family members and tenants occupying the other wing of the house. No biggie.
As we were sitting around the kitchen table, the poor dog was sitting next to us, literally trembling in fear.
Until Samanta’s mother returned home - then he immediately calmed down and became a happy doggy, because finally - finally - there was someone in this house to defend him!
Hence a defense dog.


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