Challenge 17 - Shades of Blue

Apr 03, 2021 23:56

Description: Create something by getting inspired by an Inspiration-entry.


- Go HERE and use this thread to get inspired.
- You can create everything from words (drabble, long fanfiction) to graphics (icons, sigtags, banners, gifs, lovebars, headers, wallpapers etc).
- You may create something for up to 50 pts (see list below for ( Read more... )

user: candream, guest host, challenge 17, writing, graphics, challenge, cycle 07

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Comments 16

Questions / Comments itsanonyx April 3 2021, 21:57:22 UTC

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RE: Questions / Comments sgafirenity April 3 2021, 22:31:27 UTC
Your definitions for a small and big fanfictions are so tiny!! All of those would be Drabble length for me which I am basically incapable of doing. If let’s say I chose to do a fanfic, if it was larger than 500 words, would I still get the 15 points? Or is this a 500 or less, kind of thing?


Re: Questions / Comments itsanonyx April 3 2021, 22:37:54 UTC
When you write a drabble (100 word exactly) you would get 5 pts. If you write a small fanfiction (250 words at least) you would get 10 pts. If you write a bigger fanfiction (500 words at least) you would get 15 pts. If one fanfiction would be under 500 words (like 450 words) you would get 10 pts because you didn't write 500 words.


RE: Re: Questions / Comments sgafirenity April 3 2021, 22:39:41 UTC
No I get that, what I’m asking is if I write say a thousand words, would I get the 15 points? Or is this an mostly exact kind of thing. Around 500 words gets you 15 points.


Crew Land itsanonyx April 3 2021, 21:57:49 UTC

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RE: Crew Land neaptidea April 24 2021, 23:27:46 UTC
Inspiration: Image of a ferris wheel
My creation:
(Picspam / click for larger)

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RE: Crew Land devon380black April 27 2021, 03:58:20 UTC
Inspiration: melancholy
My creation:

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Crew Sea itsanonyx April 3 2021, 21:58:10 UTC

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RE: Crew Sea mravenwood April 8 2021, 16:33:18 UTC
Inspiration: words: calmness
My creation:
Better Call Saul - Kim Wexler Centric fanfic with Kim/Jimmy moments
[fic under here]Blue. Kim looked through her closet. So many different shades, but all blue. She sighed, thinking about the order and calmness of her life so far. She needed something else, another color in her life. Being Giselle, still in blue, with Jimmy next to her wearing the emotional opposite of her own wardrobe, a fiery red brought a moment of excitement to her otherwise morally perfect and structured life. She wondered what Jimmy felt looking through his closet. Every color of the rainbow represented and some so bright she doubts she’s ever seen them before. Kim ponders her ultimatum. Is it time to add another color, one not quite as calm and strict as the blue she finds herself bound to-the color reminiscent of all that HHM stands for. A color so connected to Howard’s ideal of life, he had a shade named hamlindigo blue... )


RE: Crew Sea mravenwood April 8 2021, 16:35:54 UTC
Inspiration: font: bluesky
My creation:
The Artist wallpaper / click image for full size

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RE: Crew Sea seraphina_snape April 21 2021, 17:49:52 UTC
Inspiration: this texture:
My creation: tumblr graphic (click for full size)

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