Challenge 08: Postcards

Aug 31, 2020 17:31

Description: Create a postcard. You can use stock images or fandom images. Then write a message at the back.

Requirements: You can submit postcards directly to your team thread or post in your journal (unlocked) or at keepers-log then link back to team thread.*

Here are some templates:
01. vertical

link to download: 432x600


link to download: 600x432

Points: 101 points maximum.

points breakdown:
40 per postcard (front and back)
10 per message
+1 for using a sigtag when submitting to team thread

Due Date: 09 September, 23:59 Pacific

Countdown clock here; Time converter here

*edited to add templates of horizontal and vertical postcards

guest host, cycle 05, challenge 08, challenge, user: devon380black

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