Challenge 26: Crossover BFFs

Apr 07, 2020 19:33

This is my last challenge this week, have fun! :D


- Find two (or more) characters from two (or more) different fandoms who would make amazing best friends! Make graphics or write fics about them.

- The fandoms need to be not related to each other and take place in completely different universes. So both characters cannot come from the same franchise (different Star Trek shows or MCU movies) or from an original fandom and its spin-off (Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel or Doctor Who & Torchwood), reboot (old & new Roswell or Battlestar Galactica) or adaptation (A Song of Ice and Fire & Game of Thrones). If there are more than two characters in your group, all of them need to be from different universes. As long as this rule is followed, anything goes! :)

- You can create as many or as few pairs (or groups) of friends as you like.

- Post your entry as a new comment to this post or as a separate post elsewhere (such as keepers_log or your own lj). Then link your entry in your team thread, using this form:
My entry:

Total points:



fanfiction: 1 point for every 10 words
icons: 10 points each (both characters need to be in the same icon, so icons are worth more points than usually)
sig tags (for yourself or for someone else): 10 points each
tumblr graphics (540 x up to 810): 15 points each
headers: 15 points each
wallpapers: 15 points each
picspams (at least 10 edited images): 15 points each
gifs (including animated icons and sig tags): 20 points each
fanmixes (front and back cover, at least 8 linked songs, quotes with relevant lyrics): 40 points each

Total: 5-90 points

Due Date: Friday, April 24th, 18:00 UTC (Countdown clock here; Time converter here)

guest host, cycle 03, writing, graphics, challenge, challenge 26, user: dance_the_dance

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