Mod Challenge 02: Stay Safe!

Mar 14, 2020 20:36

Description: Prepare for safety! Comment here with something you have done (not something you will do) to keep you and/or your family safe through these ugh times. You may comment each item individually, or several at a time.

- fill (soda or other) bottles with water and store them
- put together a basic first aid kit
- freeze/store food for the future
- use sites like so that you can use what you have at home instead of going to the store
- stock up on pet food
- made own hand sanitizer

What I did:

- 10 points per preparation thing you do, up to 50 (500 points). You obvs don't have to do that many, but I want to give you credit for all you do!
- 1 point per comment you make on others' entries, up to 20 comments (20 points)
- 1 point for sigtag in your final entry comment

Due Date: Tuesday, March 31st @ 23.59 Pacific Countdown clock here; Time converter here

mc 02, user: blue_sunflowers, cycle 03, challenge, mod challenge, resources

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