Challenge 17: And Then I Was Like...!

Mar 09, 2020 10:05

Things that happen to fictional characters can make the viewers/readers feel a lot of different things. Let's see what these emotions are. :D

The idea for this challenge was lovingly stolen from tvrealm, with some changes.


- Under the cut and the spoiler cut there are 24 different reaction gifs. Choose up to 6 gifs (only from these 24) and for each of them make a graphic with a scene that caused you to have the depicted reaction when you watched/read it.

[click to see ALL THE GIFS for you to use]

- Examples (made by me and watchpoint, using tvrealm's gifs that are NOT part of this challenge):

[2 examples]1.




- Your graphics can be any size or shape (from icons to wallpapers and everything in between). In this challenge all sizes are worth the same amount of points.

- Your graphics can be from any fandom and any type of media. If you choose a book that doesn't have a movie/tv adaptation, you can use an official illustration of the scene you're reacting to (please don't use someone else's fanart) or make a text-only graphic with a relevant quote.

- Since this challenge is very likely to have a lot of spoilers, please remember to use spoiler cuts. (Use your best discretion, but if it's something really big like a character dying, then it doesn't matter how long ago it aired.) The code to make a spoiler cut:

- Feel free to hotlink the gifs when you post them.

- Post your entry as a new comment to this post or as a separate post elsewhere (such as keepers_log or your own lj). Then link your entry in your team thread, using this form:
My entry:

Total points:



15 points per graphic (up to 6)

Total: 15-90 points

Due Date: Tuesday, March 31st April 7th, 19:00 BST (Countdown clock here New countdown clock here; Time converter here)

guest host, cycle 03, challenge 17, graphics, challenge, user: dance_the_dance

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