Final results for MC 08: Feedback

Oct 12, 2019 22:20

Final results for MC 08: Feedback:

crew_land Total: 150
crew_sea Total: 100


🦇 I'm enjoying it so far :) I like the mix of fandom and non-fandom and variety of types of challenges.
🕷 I think it's going well. The guest host idea is working better than I'd have expected; nice variety and it's not too much work to host. :-)
👀 I like the variety of the challenges.
🍬 I actually enjoy being a part of choosing the challenges. I think it gives us all a chance to put forth our favorite part of land community challenges. Some like games or graphics and other like writing or creative challenges. So far we are getting a good mix of all of them. - sidhe_faerie
🍂 I really like the idea of guest hosts and being this kind of comm active. You're also doing a great job as a moderator! :D
🎃 I really like how this community is working so far. Having different hosts offers a good variety of types of challenges. - mravenwood
🧛‍♀️ I'm having a lot of fun so far! This comm is filling a land comm shaped hole on LJ and it's doing a great job. The challenges are diverse and fun and I really like the idea of guest hosts - it keep everyone a little more involved. - seraphina_snape
👻 I've been happy so far. like the variety of challenges, even if I don't have time to take part in all of them. It's a nice concept that members can post their own challenges. - neaptidea
☠ i love the guest hosting aspects of this
🍁 I've had a lot of fun! I love how it's set up, with different people posting challenges. I've enjoyed myself greatly! :)


❓ My only question is how do you feel its going? Is the guest host system making it easier for you as mod? Or is causing new problems? - sidhe_faerie

🌻 Thank you for asking! I have been having a rough time lately, and it's reminded me why I chose the concept for this site. I can let go of things if I need to. Someone will post challenges, someone will do scores, someone will update the calendar, etc.  I know the site is taken care of even when I can't do it.

I am super critical of myself, and I just want everyone to not feel any pressure here and to have fun. That's why people joined, and I don't want to disappoint.

❓ Hmmm, nothing comes to mind now. But I will pester you as I go. ;)

🌻 Feel free!


🗨 There's not much community feel though that's hard to make happen and maybe as time goes on we'll get to know our teams and other members more :)

🌻 I don't know how to fix that yet. I thought maybe more team challenges, but any suggestions would be extremely helpful.

🗨 We could use a little more interaction as far as comments on work. I forget to go through and look at everything sometimes too but I need to make an effort there. - sidhe_faerie

🌻 I love that guest hosts have added extra points for making comments and encouraging interaction. I do think that's helped a bit with *starting* to make this place more of a community feel than an isolated one. I do know the team sites are still very non-community in their set-ups still.

🗨 Please, I beg you, no point cap next cycle. This really bugs me because I find it difficult to reach it. Very few people do all kinds of challenge, and I certainly don't do writing.

🌻 The point cap is IMO for those very few people who do all kinds of challenges. It's not a goal you have to reach. It's so that people like me who are overachievers aren't overachieving to their detriment. I realized if I did all challenges and all points, then I'd be up nearly every night working on ... well, not my paying job. Or a regular life, for that matter. The option also had overwhelming support when I did the poll.

Having said that, no one so far has come close yet to the 1500 mark. If it's feeling more like it's a goal people need to reach - rather than an incentive to not take everything so seriously here - then we can try the next cycle without it and see how it goes.

🗨 Maybe have an option for people who are busier to write a 'guest post' that can be used during weeks where nobody has signed up to host. I think it could be similar to how online journals, magazines, etc allow freelancers to apply to either write for the website fully or write one approved article. - mravenwood

🌻 this. This site is based off comment-fic, and it has a very specific structure which keeps the site active. Two things they do are Saturday Free-For-Alls, and specific days/weeks for filling old prompts. I'd like to do something like this for here, but not sure yet how to organize it. Maybe instead of each week having a guest host, I block a week or two off and they can be like you suggest? An "open challenge" week so to speak? Any other ideas?

🗨 Maybe there could be a person responsible for adding the new challenges to the tracking post? Several challenges aren't listed there and it makes it incredibly hard for me to meet the deadlines. I very rarely have time to work on challenges during the week or even check LJ, so I rely on weekends to the work and I use the tracking post to check what challenges I still need to do. - seraphina_snape

🌻 This was my fault. I am the one who forgot to add my last two mod challenges, and I am sorry. Each week I send a letter to each new guest host, linking them to the tracking post. I get email notifs when they've added their new challenge, and so far no one has missed....except me.

🗨 I think it would be useful to have tags in keepers-log, at least for challenges. That way it would be easier to look at all art belonging to a partcular challenge. Also a general 'Suggestions / Questions' entry would be good, and it should be linked in the sidebar. - neaptidea

🌻 I am not the world's greatest tag organizer. Also, I have discovered that for the very first use of a tag, I must add it (at least here). After that, then anyone can use it. I copied all the tags from lighthouse_the to keepers_log and tagged the posts already there. I also posted a thread where anyone can comment to ask for new tags, and I put a link to the thread in the sidebar.

I will add a Suggestions/Questions entry for the sidebar sometime soon. Feel free to PM me or comment here about anything you want to discuss in the meantime.

🗨 More reminders please if we can get them

🌻 I have to figure this out.  I don't think it's a good idea to put reminders up at the main site as it's already clogged with challenges, but I will definitely come up with some stability for both team threads. I usually put up 24 hour reminders when something is due. Do you want more reminder times than that? Lemme know.

crew_land Total: 150 pts
catko - 25
devon380black - 25
dragongirl3745 - 25
emmatheslayer - 25
mark_pierre - 25
neaptidea - 25

crew_sea Total: 100 pts
meridian_rose - 25
mravenwood - 25
seraphina_snape - 25
sidhe_faerie - 25

mc 08, user: blue_sunflowers, final results, poll, cycle 01, feedback, mod!note

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