Challenge 08 - Fandom Question Meme

Jun 09, 2021 00:34

Description: Leave a comment with fandoms for other members to ask you questions.


- Leave a comment with at least 5 fandoms so others can leave you a fandom and questions for you to answer.
- Leave other members 1 fandom from their list and at least 3 questions so they can answer the questions. At least 3 questions please as some questions may be hard for members to answer.
- You have to answer at least 1 question (from the 3 questions) to count for pts. You may also answer all 3 questions if you want to.
- You will get extra pts for including something to creatively illustrate at least one of your answers (with a drabble, art, gif, graphic, picspam, photo caption, anything creative at all).
- You will get pts for your first comment to 1 member - either as questions or as answers. You have to answer questions to 5 different members for full pts (1 member = 5 pts; 5 different members = 25 pts). You have to leave questions to 10 different members for full pts (1 member = 2 pts; 10 different members = 20 pts).

The Questions:
01: Favorite Male Character
02: Favorite Female Character
03: Least Favorite Character
04: Favorite Ship
05: Favorite Friendship
06: Favorite Quote
07: Worst Character Death (if any)
08: This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
09: Saddest Moment
10: Favorite Location
11: Favorite Non-Human Character (if any)
12: Favorite Outfit
13: The character I least understand
14: Interactions I enjoyed the most
15: The character who scares me the most
16: The character who is most like me
17: The character who had the hottest looks
18: One thing I dislike about my fave character
19: One thing I like about my hated character
20: A quote or scene that haunts me
21: A death that left me feeling indifferent
22: A character I wish died but didn't
23: A character I wish had a better storyline
24: My ship that never sailed

- Please ask questions in the question thread. Please submit your fandoms as new comment. Please submit all your links to your team thread. All comments are unscreened.

- Please use the form listed below to enter:
My Thread: [please add link here]
My Answers:
01. [please add link here]
02. [please add link here]
03. [please add link here]
04. [please add link here]
05. [please add link here]

Creative Work:

Comments to other members:
01. [please add link here]
02. [please add link here]
03. [please add link here]
04. [please add link here]
05. [please add link here]
06. [please add link here]
07. [please add link here]
08. [please add link here]
09. [please add link here]
10. [please add link here]

Total points:

(Delete everything that you don't need.)

+ 5 pts for your thread
+ 5 pts for first comment with answers (to 1 member) | up to 5 different members (= 25 pts)
+ 2 pts for first comment with questions (to 1 member) | up to 10 different members (= 20 pts)
+ 10 pts for creative work
+ 1 pt for sigtag
Total points: 61

Due Date: July 31 @ 11:59 PM U.S. (Alaska) TIME
Countdown clock here; Time converter here

user: candream, guest host, meme, challenge 08, challenge, cycle 08

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