Challenge 16 - Quick Battle

Apr 02, 2021 19:56

Description: Make icon(s) based on a prompt.


- Make icon(s) based on a prompt.
- The prompts are: Easter and/or Spring
- Each icon must meet lj standards, 40kb, 100x100 pixels.
- Jpeg, png and gif formats only.
- All icons must be original, no bases.
- Textures / brushes / text etc. are allowed to use.
- Search your own pictures.
- Do not post the icons anywhere else before the challenge is over.
- You may enter up to 5 icons for pts.
- You can do 5 icons about Easter only, you can do 5 icons about Spring only or you can mix icons about Easter and Spring. It's totally up to you. :o)

- Please ask questions in the question thread. Please submit your entry to your team thread. All comments are screened.

- Please use the form listed below to enter:
Prompt: Easter

Prompt: Spring

Total points:

(Delete everything that you don't need.)

+ 5 pts for 1 icon | up to 5 icons
+ 1 pt for sigtag
Total points: 26

Due Date: April 06 @ 09:00 PM GERMAN TIME
Countdown clock here; Time converter here

user: candream, guest host, graphics, challenge, cycle 07, challenge 16

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