Lighthouse Challenge 12: Getting to Know You

Sep 03, 2019 10:28

Lighthouse Challenge 12: Getting to Know You

Description: Down below are twenty different questions that are in a survey form to help people get to know who you are. What are your likes and what don't you like? Some questions are related to icon-making/graphics-making, livejournal hobbies and others are more about who you are.

Points: 5 Points per question. Max points you can earn are 100.

Due Date: Sunday, October 20, 11:59pm Eastern

Getting to Know You Survey:

Please use this textbox for your submissions
Survey Questions
Icon/Hobbies on LJ:
1. What are your favorite colors to use? And why?
2. What other reasons you use LJ?
3. What are your hobbies?
4. What's your favorite tool to use?
5. Favorite font and why?

Getting to know you:
6. If you could invite anyone in the world to lunch, who would it be?
7. On what topic or topics, you would never make jokes?
8. Do you have an object that would not trade for anything in the world?
9. What past mistake do you regret most?
10. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
11. What is the craziest thing you ‘ve ever done?
12. What’s on your bucket list?
13. What is your greatest irrational fear?
14. Which life would you choose? A rich life or a happy fulfilling life?
15. How do you deal with negative emotions?

Deep Personal Questions:
16. What gets you fired up?
17. What makes a good life?
18. What risks are worth taking?
19. What do you take for granted?
20. Who inspires you to be better?

If there are any questions, please ask below!

guest host, challenge 12, meme, challenge, user: littlemissnovel, cycle 01

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