[application] SIREN'S PULL

Jan 01, 2012 17:40

Player Information

Name: Yukina
Age: 24
AIM SN: OkamiAmaterasu66
email: KOSMOS246@gmail.com
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes
Currrently Played Characters: N/A
Conditional: Activity Check Link: N/A
Conditional: Official Reserve Link: N/A

Character Information

Canon Source: Homestuck
Canon Format: Webcomic
Character's Name: Rose Lalonde
Character's Age: 13
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. Rose has gone through more than most 13 year olds go through in a lifetime. Her involvement in Sbrub and its wicked ways have aged her far before her physical age. She has not only seen the death of her mother and best friend but also her own death. Additionally, Rose's personality is a bit on the darker edge and her demeanor is very grown up. This isn't an act: Rose is actually pretty mature for her age. She has no problems handling the darker underworld aspect of Siren's Pull. Or in general, really.

What form will your character's NV take? Rose's NV will take the form of a laptop like device but smaller. It will be the size of a book with a keyboard and screen. It can pick up video and audio but specializes mostly in text posts. The symbol on the cover of the laptop will be her trademark skull symbol.

Character's Canon Abilities: Rose specializes in magic. She uses Needlekind as her weapon of choice which means she wields two knitting needles. They are generally charged with magic and thus glow purple. Her other ability includes the use of her crystal ball, allowing her to speak to the dark Horrorterror gods as well as see things happening elsewhere.

As for Rose's God Tier abilities are somewhat like an ability in probability. As a Seer, Rose is able to know the right actions that will lead to the most favorable outcome. Of course, this does not promise the the action will be executed as they should be, thus running the risk of altering the outcome. What Rose can basically do is to tell you to go right but she couldn't tell you how to turn right in order to get to that favorable outcome. She merely knows that right is the direction to go in.

God Tier also gives her a loose form of immortality. Depending on the way in which she dies, Rose can be revived. If her death is heroic then she will die off for good. However if the death is not considered heroic then she'll auto-revive.

Lastly, Rose uses a construct of her canon called a Syalldex. It's basically an inventory system using punch cards. It's a bit abstract. You can think of it in terms of how video games have inventory systems vai menus. It's pretty much like that and it allows Rose to carry, store and pull items from it.

Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? N/A

Weapons: Rose wields Needlekind, two knitting needles. This is the only weapon she has really used to both channel magic and also to just stab and strangle (with yarn/thread) her enemies.

Character History: HERE
Point in Canon: End of the Act 6 Act 1 Intermission [right after THIS page.]
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: N/A

Character Personality:

Rose is a highly intelligent young woman. She is an avid reading which shows in her very extensive vocabulary. She types with a sophisticated air to her words and John often makes fun of her for it, complaining that she's "snotty" and hard to understand. Rose is also a passionate creative writer but she is very secret about this hobby. This just adds more to her image as a very wordy individual. It's worth noting as well that Rose is the only character in the series that uses perfect grammar, punctuation and syntax. Rose's interests are very peculiar and strange. Some might even consider them very dark and this further shapes her personality/image. She has an interest in the "bestially strange and fictitious" and her room has an odd molluskan theme. She even comes into close contact with and communicates with the terrifying Horrorterrors that eventually possess her. Rose loves wizards and as a result she believes in the "science of magic". She becomes a dark magic user in Sburb and a very powerful one at that. She feuds with Eridan over science VS. magic. Rose has a fondness for knitting. This leads her to set her weapon as Needlekind, which she wields her magic with. One of her favorite pastimes is "psychobabble". She enjoys psychiatry and psychology, often launching into psychotherapy theories and sessions with her friends. Her favorite subject to torment is Dave. Her Pesterchum handle, tentacleTherapist, speaks to her enjoyment of psychiatry. (And tentacles, apparently.)

Outwardly she fits the elegant motif. Her outfits consist of long skirts and dark colors. Even her Sylladex uses the tree modus which is considered one of the more elegant types. (Though it isn't very practical.) Though elegant in movements Rose's behavior is straightforward, stoic and stern. She is usually quite serious and goal oriented. She wants to get things accomplished and thus she is generally more helpful than most Pesterchum uses. She helps John play Sburb, offering him advice and encouragement. But she isn't prone to joking around. She is prone to large amounts of sarcasm, however. In fact Rose's character can largely be defined by her sarcasm. She plays the perfect straight-man to the rest of the cast as well. Rose admits her own mistakes and is constantly aware of objectives. She isn't as proud as she might make herself out to be.

Going hand in hand with her sarcasm, Rose is also very cynical. She's a natural pessimist and yet, in a strange way, she is also an optimist. When informed that she and the other kids could not win their game, Rose refused to simply accept that. She also scolds Dave for simply "accepting the inevitable", saying that this train of thought was depressing. Thus Rose has a strange kind of optimism in cynicism because she isn't known for giving up. She's guilty of goading and indulging others to get what she wants from them, often to make them do something for her. She is a good manipulator with her words though it isn't in a cruel way. For example she purposeful inflates Dave's ego in order to convince him to play Sburb with her. Rose is a very private person, often very guarded about her feelings and hobbies.

Rose has difficulty admitting sincerity both in her own actions and in the actions of others. She scoffs at John's gift and calls it a "facetious sentimental gesture" though she appears to appreciate it because she takes up knitting shortly after. A worthy thing to note about her is that Rose is frightening sometimes. Her nature is fearless and very reckless at times. When she discovered the game was not winnable she set out to try and purposely break it. She seemed to care very little about what the consequences might be to this. Strangely, for all her intelligence, Rose doesn't always seem to think things through. She'll often sieze an opportunity when it arises. More evidence of her dark nature stems from her in combat. She is ruthless, taking down an Ogre with nothing but a pair of knitting needles to the monster's eyes. Rose is also shrouded in some degree of mystery with her ability to commune with the dark gods and her handle on her powers as a Seer.

Despite all of the above Rose is a steadfast and loyal friend. She certainly cares enough for the other three kids to consider sacrificing herself to save them. Her intention to die in order for the Scratch to take place was no farce. She planned it carefully to ensure only she would be killed. She took special care to prevent Dave from taking her place like he wanted, knocking him out when he tried to follow her. When John is stabbed by Jack for the second time, Rose flies into a rage and attacks him fro vengeance. Even though she scorned her mother and hated her for her (seemingly) unsupportive ways, when she finds out about her death she is very upset by it. All of this supports that Rose cares for those she calls her friends and family and also that she is still a child underneath her adult exterior. For example, she was most attached to her cat Jaspers and a childhood stuffed toy.

Hard to read due to constantly screening her emotions, Rose is overall quite complex. She can come off as cold, snarky and very frustrating to those who speak to her. (She drove Kanaya mad.) Her trust and respect takes some time to learn. Yet for all Rose's ferocity and dark heartedness, she is at her core a good person.

Conditional: Personality development in previous game: N/A

Character Plans: For now I'm mostly just interested in having her interact with the darker environment and with characters in her canon she has never gotten to speak to before.

Appearance/PB: HERE

Writing Samples

First Person Sample

I believe it's safe to assume I ended up in the wrong place.
And to think I had almost had enough plot twists for one day.
Oh, but don't worry.
I'm not surprised nor do I find myself in need of any assistance.
I verily believe myself to be quite capable at this point.
I will, however, inquire as to the purpose of my placement here.
And I suppose I must wonder where "here" is.
That's the standard fair around here, yes?
Lost innocence asking the collective userbase where oh where they have ended up?Very well then.
I'm waiting for an answer.

Third Person Sample

The thick fog hung heavy around her but Rose in her bright orange God Tier robes stood out like a sore thumb. Her first thought was that this was a bit alarming. The setting was dark and gray, the sound of boat horns and the stench of fish filling her nostrils. It was funny, she thought, how alarming the drab of darkness was to her now after she had lived a good portion of her time in it. But no, now she was a Seer of Light and, much like light, she shone brightly in such a place. Cautiously, Rose stepped forward. She couldn't remember how she had gotten here or why. It was like waking up suddenly from a dream.

With the fog so thick Rose had trouble seeing where exactly she was standing. Certainly somewhere relatively near the ocean if she could hear boat horns and smell fish. Her feet shuffled through damp grass and she slowly became accustom to the fog, squinting through it to notice a field. Rose turned and scuffled her shoe against what she had been standing on. Home plate? A baseball field, then? Strange, it didn't seem like it.

Rose moved further on through the mist, pulling her hood up for a moment to hide her face but kept her eyes sharp. She was searching for Dave whom she had been standing next to just seconds ago. Not that there was a chance he had been sent here too but she wasn't going to go on that assumption. A shape in front of her became to form the closer she moved toward it. Rose approached it and stopped, lifting her hand to touch the rough surface. A wall. Reading the graffiti scrawled across the brick, Rose let out an exasperated breath.

"Surely they aren't serious," she muttered to herself. Writing scary messages on walls... what a cliché. They weren't even that frightening. Rather, they were like some equivalent to bathroom wall scribbles at the prestigious middle school she use to attend. Rose let out a small laugh and dropped her hand. Despite the atmosphere she felt unthreatened.

Her body ached and her head throbbed, causing her ears to ring loudly. Rose closed her eyes and took another deep breath. Even so, she wasn't scared here. This wasn't the game nor was it where she had been just seconds prior. That already was a very positive thing. Yet it was also not a good thing, either. Although she had three years to kill before she was desperately needed in the new session of Sburb she still wasn't sure being here was a good thing.

Rose moved along the wall, placing her hand back on it to guide her to some kind of opening. She came upon an alleyway that stretched forward in total darkness. At the end of it was a small rectangle of light, presumably the way out. Or, rather, the way into the heart of this place. The Seer paused and moved her hand at the words carved right underneath her palm.

welcome to Siren's Port - good luck with the darkness, newbs.

Rose smirked and adjusted her hood over her head a bit. "Thanks for the concern, but the darkness and I happen to be old friends." She stepped forward and melted into the shadows.

!application, • siren's pull

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