The seventh series of Doctor Who arrives with the return of the Ponds, a Parliament of Daleks, and a quick demonstration that Moffatt has no intention to change the style or tone he has brought to the show for his two years in charge.
Luckily, that kept my expectations low.
More than a few spoilers within. )
Comments 16
Cracking fun episode.
Also agree that that Ponds Need to Go. While people still like them a bit. I used to love them and now I can barely stand them... Too much of a good thing.
Just read that Gaiman is on for writing another episode for early next season... I am not sure how ti feel about that. Hope he will top The Doctor's Wife... gearing for disapointment?
The Ponds are much less annoying in episode 2, because it isn't all about Pond angst.
20 minutes to go here...
- It was far more entertaining than "Victory of the Daleks" or "Daleks in Manhattan". Which is grading on about the most aggressive curve imaginable, but given that every single Dalek story since "The Parting of the Ways" has been face-slappingly awful, merely mediocre was something of a surprise. (Imagine how much better the story would have been with no Daleks at all!1) The Daleks have a parliament now? Fine, sure, whatever ( ... )
Although I will say that this is more evidence that weird pacing issues and all, "Remembrance of the Daleks" is still the single best Dalek story the series ever did: the Daleks wouldn't solve the problem of there being many slightly different types of Daleks floating around the universe with democracy, they'd solve it with bloody civil war to the last Dalek rolling thanks very much.
Which remind me: have you been reading this guy?
Not willing to concede that, although I have always been fond of that baseball bat.
the Daleks wouldn't solve the problem of there being many slightly different types of Daleks floating around the universe with democracy, they'd solve it with bloody civil war to the last Dalek rolling thanks very much.
Exactly, something even acknowledged in "Victory of the Daleks"
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