Last Angel: The Zone Complex [Part 1]

Nov 11, 2009 11:36

Title: Last Angel: The Zone Complex
Genre: Action; Drama; Comedy
Rating: R [For language/violence]
Length: Series { Prologue}
Summary: N/A

A/N: Things to know
~P.O.'s are the form of currency, think of them as the equivalent to U.S. currency or even Euros. Nothing complicated.
~For anyone who may not know, a "bob" is a short haircut.
~Koda uses cute Japanese phrasing several times. She most likely will throughout this whole fic.
~Picture everyone's image like that of how they were in the "Last Angel" video.
~If you're still confused about imagery or clothing please re-read the prologue.
~Comment with any other questions, concerns, or encouragement!


Changmin's face wrinkles up in sheer annoyance as he hears the always ominous beeping noises warning him of a nearly empty tank. Taking his eyes out of the air for a moment and hovering a few feet down to the slow lane, he hits the touchscreen monitor which brings up a larger holographic menu displaying fuel levels. All three were destitutely low. Huffing in annoyance once more he finally decides to search repair shops on his monitor's database. Unfortunately, the first result pinpointed in the nearest radius was one he had never visited before. So he knew he would be walking in blind, not knowing if he was destined to be hopelessly cheated or not. Yet he decided in the miscellaneous shop's favor after searching for fuel fortification module vendors, only to find the next one would prove too long a trip for his now slow cruising AirNinja bike.
'God, at this rate I might even have to resort to land travel.' he thought, but then smirked while laughing at himself and the possibility. 'Yeah, right.''
Changmin glanced over for a moment to look into his side mirror. As always his features were striking: eyes dark, God-crafted cheekbones, lips in a pout, and raven, wavy hair out of his face. His glance was turned back to his bike's monitor which was beeping again, this time with the radius flashing blue as it announced his closing in on location. All Changmin had to do now was turn right.

"Two hundred thirty-three P.O' tax...and tip...hmm...two hundred seventy P.O's...." Zoe murmured to herself as her fingers landed heavily on each number of the touchscreen PDA [personal digital assistant]. She continued as she subconsciously reached up to grab at the back of her neck, "So...that would make it two hundred and seventy-nine P.O's.....right Koda?"
"Nani? [What?]" is all the distant voice replies.
Zoe sighs lightly in frustration as she now shouts to the distant voice, "Never mind."
She gets nothing in reply but the clamorous noises of a solar powered, force ten drill.
Zoe pushes noise modifiers deeper into her ears but they do nothing to keep anymore sound out than they already have. 'These things are worthless.' she concludes internally, overlooking the fact that she spent about twenty P.O.'s on them. When she realizes she has about three more calculations from the day's work to do she shouts again, "Kodaaaaa, could you please use a force seven drill instead? You're killing me here!"
"Nani?!" is all she gets in reply again as Koda looks up from the hood she's working on.
Koda's face is contorted into adorable confusion as she looks over her over-sized protective eye shields.
Zoe says nothing but only rubs angrily at her forehead. When she finally looks over at Koda, realizing a sudden silence, she no longer sees her. She's about to shout her name again when instead she sees a pair of familiar silver boots resting from underneath a vehicle.
Just as Zoe's about to go back to working the PDA, she hears sputtering and a landing slightly above ground outside of the garage door style entrance. There's a pause and then she hears the customer coding being put into the computerized lock box outside. As the door begins to rise open she looks up and watches as a young man swings one extensive leg off of his bike and then other, to finally stand erectly at a dashingly tall height. Before he even turns around to come in, Zoe turns her head slightly in Koda's direction and warns, "We got a customer!."
"Alright!" Koda okays back, still beneath a vehicle.
The figure outside finally turns around, yet before he enters, he pulls out a small locator detection device and looks down at the flashing screen. From the small distance Zoe can see it's red. The young man looks up and around his surroundings suspiciously as he takes another step.
Zoe can't help but laugh at the caution she sees in the guy's steps. "You've got the right place." She calls out playfully crossing her arms. "Need a repair?"


Changmin looks up suddenly at being addressed yet answers in a deadpan tone, "Yeah." As he strides forward he shoves his location detector into his back pocket. The repair shop is slightly dim, and greasy, he can already tell by looking at the fuel stains on the floor. When he tries to look at who it was that called out to him he sees her figure illuminated by the screen of a PDA . Once he approaches the counter he stops squinting as his eyes adjust to the absence of adequate lighting.
He sees, with her arms crossed, a girl looking up at him as she robotically mouths, "How can I help you?". Yet, to his surprise, he sees a small and delighted smile on her face.
'Goddammit, why are chicks always smiling at me?' he rages in his head. 'So annoying.' he concludes.
"Well it would help, for one, if you updated your sign out front."
The girl continues to look up at him, smile completely gone, as she raises a brow and responds, "Well it's only a version nine holograph."
"Exactly. Which is what makes it so difficult to read. Most signs in the city are now version twelve holographs. You need to update.And you also need to work on some appropriate lighting while you're at it."
"And I will. Once I take the P.O.'s required from you so I can run out and get all that. Now," she continues unscathed, moving on to the subject at hand in a less tolerant tone, "What can I help you with?"
"You can help me by getting me some fuel." he replies again, deadpan.
'What's your model?" she asks, scripted.
"A Po-210 2050 AirNinja."
"Alright, bring it in." she instructs with a hand gesture before turning around to grab a touchscreen clipboard and a stylus.
Changmin turns on his heels and strides back over to his bike. Holding it by one of the handles, he looks at his dashboard monitor and hits the release key allowing to wheels to pop out in their appropriate places. Still holding the handle, he looks again to the monitor and disables the auto-hover/park setting. There's a loud thud as the wheels hit ground. He then takes both handles and wheels the bike in.
"Okay," the girl says as he places the bike before her. She reaches to grab the vacant handle opposite him. He chooses not to control it when, instinctively, his grip tightens on the bar he's still holding.
"You can let go now." he hears her say, slightly annoyed also. He narrows his eyes at her a bit but she completely ignores it as she begins the evaluation. He watches her as she bends down and starts making check marks on the computerized slate with a stylus.
"Put it on auto hover, please." she commands not bothering to look at him, but still down at her computerized clip board. She swings her finger over the screen and a new page of evaluation is shown.
Changmin does as he's told as the girl continues on with her business. He watches cautiously as she runs a few slender fingers over the basic components of the bike. Without realizing he's doing it he looks down at her hunched over figure also; at her thick black boots, baggy off-white, crumpled pants held together with a white studded belt, then the small space where a slit of skin was flashed between the pants and her gray shirt which was covered by a thick, but slightly shrunken, white winter coat with gray faux fur.
Before he examined any further, her figure stood as she announced, "Alright, I think we've got the fuel you need in stock, but it's going to cost you because not many bikes need the same strain of fuel as yours."
"Well it's the newest model available." He says not able to mask the hint of pride in his voice.
"Exactly." she says, now deadpan. "Which is why it's going to cost you because we haven't had many, if any, requests for the kind of fuel you need yet."
"Oh. Right." he says shoving his hands into his pockets
"This should only take us a few minutes at most." she concludes (after taking a moment to snicker at the his slight embarrassment), rechecking her evaluations before logging them into the database files.
"Us?" Changmin raises a brow

As if on cue, Koda slides gracefully from beneath the vehicle she was previously under. "This the customer?" she asks, looking directly at Changmin, but addressing Zoe.
"Sure is." she replies, looking up from the slate, and winking in her direction.
"Ohh bishounen! [young, good looking guy!]" Koda replies playfully as she shakes out her short, frosted blond bob. She then springs to her feet and strides to Zoe's side. "So what are we in for?"
"Well, he's in great need of some fuel."
"Can I see?" Koda asks, making a "gimme" motion with her hands.
Zoe hands over the slate and lets Koda take a second glance at the evaluation.
As her partner does that Zoe evaluates the owner of the bike instead. Looking him over, not bothering with discretion, she saw expensive, white sneakers on his over-sized feet; crisp, white pants ascending up his long legs; and a loose fitting, light gray sweater with a large white scarf and hoodie thrown over it. When she looked over his face she saw handsome, model-esque features, but deemed them ruined by his rude demeanor and uninviting nature. He was looking off to the side at the moment, eying the shop with disapproval, but still, Zoe saw that his profile was just as perfect.
She was suddenly caused to look over at her partner who said "Uh-oh." as she lightly chewed on the end of the stylus in thought.
"I think you overlooked this." is all Koda says, shoving the slate into her friend's hands.
"Wha-" before she can finish all Zoe says is, "Uh-oh."
"What uh-oh?" Changmin asks in a very sharp tone, not bothering to contain his displeasure.
"Tell me something, have you been finding your tank empty more and more often lately?
Changmin narrows his eyes a bit at the girl and tilts his head slightly in thought and question, "I suppose I have-why?"
"This model AirNinja has three different energy modules, that hold the three different forms of fuel needed. I assume before you came across this bike, you had the previous version, ne?"
"I didn't actually, I had the first version." he replies crossing his arms.
"Oh boy." Koda.
"What?!" he asks, his eyes wildly snapping in her direction.
"Well, it's just that, you may not have known, but the first version only has one fuel component. You've only had to be responsible for one energy module, but this new model, has three-"
"And you've only been filling up one." Zoe concludes for her.
"That's preposterous! I've been doing everything I can to take care of this bike!"
"Except fill it up correctly." Zoe replies harshly.
Koda tries to make up in a kinder tone, "You've only been watching one energy module frequency, which is why you run out of fuel so often because you've completely neglected the two others. We can show you how to manage your energy levels correctly if you'd like, but in order to do so we're going to have to have the actual fuel present for the other two modules."
"That's going to cost you more." Zoe interjects. Changmin only scowls her direction in reply.
Koda continues with the same peace-making tone, "It is going to cost you in time and P.O.'s..."
"How much time?" Changmin demands.
"Well for two different fuels for the newest AirNinja model available..../calculating/ I'd say about a week...each." Koda concludes.
Changmin gawked, "Why would it take that long?
"One of the same reasons you've been filling up only one module: because only that kind of fuel, the one also available for the maiden model, is available to the public at this present time. /suddenly/ Who sold you this bike?"
"What does that matter?" Changmin shoots back irritably.
"Well whomever sold it to you clearly got you worked up over the thrill of a spanking new model, but failed to mention to you that you would inevitably come across this problem, because I'm almost sure they knew all three forms of fuel weren't going to be made available for some time."
"Great!" Changmin lets his head fall back hopelessly.
There was a moment of silence between the three as Changmin took a few deep breaths before concluding, "I'm just going to have to get a second opinion."
Koda can't help but laugh when she says, "Well you'd have to do that by hologram-meet or something because there's no way you're getting anywhere on that bike."
"Yeah," Zoe continues, "I could hear you sputtering all the way to our door."
The girls glance over to make eye contact and giggle a little bit to themselves.
"Shut up! It's not funny." Changmin barks at them, his face burning.
The girls only stare at him in his outburst, and with another glance to one another, decide he's adorable angry.
Changmin ignores this and puts on an icier tone, "So what am I supposed to do now for two weeks?"
"Well, is your old bike no longer in existence?" Koda asks.
"It's not in my possession anymore."
"Hmm, sucks for you." Zoe couldn't help but let that jab slip out from under her breath. He, in turn, only shoots daggers out of a side glance her direction.
"Hmm, well you're just going to have to find some other form of transportation for the time being...and leave the bike here at the shop." Koda concludes.
"With you?" Changmin asks indignantly, "No way."
Koda looks hurt but Zoe places a hand on her shoulder and replies for her, "Well good luck finding a way to lug it elsewhere."
"I'm going to go finish up some work." Koda storms off into the depths of the shop leaving the two alone.
"Well you know what to do to fix the problem now, the rest is up to you. I'll be at the counter if you need me." Zoe finishes, leaving him now alone.

Changmin huffs turning his back away from the girl at the counter and facing the outside. 'There's no way I'm leaving my bike with them, no way!' he thinks stubbornly crossing his arms across his chest. 'How do I even know they're telling me the truth? They could just be bleeding me for P.O.'s. They probably do it to innocent customers all the time! There is no way...' he continues to ride the same train of thought as he whips out his ear piece. Securing it in his ear and then adjusting the small, wire, headset-style microphone correctly on the side of his face, he impatiently commands, "Show contacts." and, as always, a small holographic menu of contacts pops out before his very eyes. "Scroll." is his second command, and the menu does just that. As his eyes follow every name that passes, he sees none that could be of any assistance. He angrily takes the ear piece out putting it and the tiny microphone back into it's compact stainless steel case and shoving it in his other back pocket.
Changmin freezes as he realizes, 'Now I have no other choice.'
After much internal debate, he slowly, slowly turns back around on his heels and trudges back up to the counter.
He hates the smug tone in the very girl's first breath as she looks up asking, "Make a choice, pretty boy?"
"What's your name?" he asks, drilling his eyes into hers.
"Why?" is what he gets in reply as she drills back, unafraid.
"So I know what name to report first if my bike goes missing."
She scoffs, looking him over once, "It's Joe Mama- sign here." the slate and stylus are pushed his way.

changmin, koda

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