Title: The Old Ways Characters/Pairing: Will, Bran Rating: G Warnings: Angst Summary: The perfect evening was wasted on one Will Stanton. Notes: Inspired/influenced by The Old Ways by Loreena McKennitt.
You'd probably find that so with a lot of my stuff, then. XD I've found I tend to play with literal moments in time rather than expanding it a little more to what is not strictly necessary.
(Whenever I wrote essays, my teachers would complain that I was surgically precise, but never expanded anything enough. I imagine the same can be said of most of my stories. It's not the aspect I've been working on lately, but I imagine I'll have to get to it soon. XD)
Comments 2
(Whenever I wrote essays, my teachers would complain that I was surgically precise, but never expanded anything enough. I imagine the same can be said of most of my stories. It's not the aspect I've been working on lately, but I imagine I'll have to get to it soon. XD)
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