Mar 02, 2007 21:26
Hey guys! Welcome to the community. :) This is going to be counted as the first challenge (see the userinfo if you're unsure) and this post and any related will go in the memories as "Challenge: Fanwork-a-thon".
1) You submit prompts, to this post, by around the end of April. It'll give you a long time to think. You can submit as many prompts as you like, and they can be short, e.g. "Will/Jane: ordinary" or long, detailed and plotty. It doesn't have to be a fic prompt, either. If you have a good idea for a piece of artwork, but not the skills to make it, describe it; someone might be able to make it. You don't have to be a writer or an artist to submit prompts.
2) On May 1st at the latest, I'll post a list of all the prompts. You comment and say which ones you're doing, so I get an idea of the amount of interest and so on, although two or more people can write for the same prompt. They'll be posted in categories, but it's flexible -- if you see a fic prompt you want to do art for, that's fine!
3) By June 1st, you should have commented to the post with a link to whatever you've written, drawn or otherwise cooked up. You can post your fics on the community or not, as you please, though the former might be best to get interest for your fic! I'll collect those links and post them up in a list for people to browse through at the end.
4) If you are particularly desperate to write for a prompt you see here in the comments, go right ahead and leave a link in this post once you're done. I certainly don't discourage inspiration!
5) Also, I know from experience that you might end up wanting to write for your own prompts. This is okay. Anything to get more fic. :p