Only one thought had gone through Riza's mind
when Ed had returned to the Nexus in a state of pure, cold, rage. She carried out with that thought without a word, and had retreated to her room to quickly change; then out came a heavy box from the back of her closet shelf, and the gun within was loaded for the first time since she couldn't remember
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After a pause, he finally speaks up, voice quiet. "I can't feel him. Haven't been able to since I ended up in London. So I can't even know if we're too late or not."
The reminder about the weaponry brings a dark grin to his face. "There was a request like that, yeah. Mostly for Riza." He holds up his left wrist so Graman can see the red stone there. "I have my own weapons."
He smirked at that, and reached over, putting a key in her hand. "You know where they're kept. Go help yourself, and bring the key back when you're done. Get the boy out of there, and then we'll have lemonade and cookies while you tell us about this Nexus place and relax before the military comes looking for you."
He perks at the mention of snacks. "Ooh, lemonade and cookies? Great! We'll bring the tales of gut-wrenching violence!"
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