Home, Home Again

Sep 28, 2006 07:11


Lieutenant General Graman
Black Hayate

Continuation open to:
(possibly others, but it depends on whether Ed would allow it)

Home Home Again

::was a little concerned when he showed up the day before, with Al in tow, and Riza and Roy weren't back yet, but Graman assured him they were fine and he took advantage of the time to make his stops. yes, Al still in tow >_> In fact, mun thinks they're practically attached to each other again XD;::

::it's been about 9 days since Ed returned to Amestris, actually... and Riza's driven practically nonstop to get from Roy's parents back to the East::

::Has more or less been a bump on a log... there's been absolutely no motivating him...::

::like the mun said, it's been pretty dead silent now compared to before, not that they were talking anyone's ears off. The only reason she's not in the same state is she /has/ to drive. And she just wants to get there as soon as possible. So... since there's pretty much zero traffic on faint back roads, and she's probably only able to go like 30-40 mph in that car anyway, it's not like she's endangering anyone driving half-awake::

::sitting in the front of the car with Riza so as not to disturb Roy in the back... putting his forepaws on the dashboard as they approach Graman's place, tail wagging eagerly, he recognises temporary home. <3::

::finally pulling into the driveway late afternoon, 4-ish or so, stopping the car:: ..... We're here.

... ::Sitting up after a moment... nods:: All right. ... Thank you for driving me, Riza.

::Pinako kept them for a meal- Graman's wife insisted they have breakfast with them before they go out to do their errands while waiting on Roy and Riza; it's afternoon, about 3 or 4 (GMTA!), and Ed didn't wanna risk not being there when Riza got back. in the meantime, he's been roped into a game of chess with Graman, mun thinks::

You're welcome. ::eyes closed, head resting against the seat...:: ... ::reaches over to her door and pushes it open to let Hayate out, eyes still shut::

::sitting between them, elbows on table, chin on fists, watching the chess match::

... ::Forget getting out, climbs onto Riza's lap, licks her face:: <3 ::Tail wagging::

::the kid is a genius, and great at impromptu plans, but long-range strategy? he sucks at. how that works out in chess for him, is anyone's guess::

::-_-;;;; you're worse than my granddaughter, boy::

::I don't do strategy. D: I'm good at thinking up things on the fly, but... D: >_> Hey, usually my plans are pretty solid. I'm just bad at the whole long-term thing.::

::Getting out of the back of the car... whistles once for Hayate:: Come on, boy. Let Riza get out too.

::looking at Hayate, smiling faintly, pets him:: Go'n.

... ::Tilts his head... hops off of her lap and out of the car after a moment::

::Looking at Riza:: Need a moment to rest?

... ... ... ::sighs quietly, wearily, shakes her head:: m'jus' tired. ::getting out of the car, wincing a bit and stretching, feels like somebody hit her all over with a 2x4, all stiff and sore and almost bruised::

.... Are you sure you want to move that one? ::eyes the board, eyes Ed::

... -_- You're trying to psyche me out. ::eyes the pieces again, thinking, trying to map things out in terms of probabilities, mathematical equations- the guy from NUMB3RS would be proud of him:: ... ::moves a different piece instead::

::Watching Riza concernedly:: You should take a nap once we get inside, assuming Ed isn't here yet...

... You're sure that's all I'm doing? ::smirks a little, studying the board now -- Ed moved the right one with the second move Hmph. I know how to trick opponents with reverse psychology. XP

::gives him a faint, weary smile:: I will, don't worry. ::she's in such a poor state physically and mentally she probably looks 10 years older than she really is::

::Looking at her a moment longer, nods:: Let's go in so you can lie down. ::Heading for the door with her, Hayate bounding behind them eagerly:

::walking with him, mun's tempted to have someone roll a 1d20 to see if she trips or not going up the stairs::

((::rolls:: 18. Nope, she stays upright.))

::Eyeing her, yes, he does notice how unsteady she is:: Anyone home?

::did not fail the saving throw! :D goes upstairs and into the kitchen with Roy and Hayate::

::After getting inside, yes. XD::

! >_> That sounds like them! ::getting to his feet quickly::

>_> ::getting up as well but not as quickly XD::

::Small grin:: Sounds like someone's here... ::Looking at Riza for a moment::

::and the mun's getting a little glimpse at where they'll eventually be - she's too tired and ill to be wrapped up in guilt, and he's probably too tired too, and a lot's been sorted out - for once, those smiles are genuine enough for the moment, just tired::

! ::getting up, pausing, eyeing the board:: ... ::eyes Al... resists the urge to cheat XD;; damnit, he'd see; stepping around Al to go greet Riza and Roy::

::Walking through the house, bumping into Al, Ed, and Graman as they come out of the kitchen:: Ah, here you are... We're home.

::Oh boy it's an ALPHONSE we haven't smelled him! We could have, but Riza was back after so many months... anyway... SNIFFSNIFFSNIFF!! <3::

::smiling at them, then frowns a little, noticing how tired they both are, and especially how sick Riza looks:: Long trip?

^__^ <3 ::petting Hayate:: Welcome back! <3

::little nod:: Not much rest

It's... Yeah. ::Nods slightly:: It's been a long week. ... Productive, but long.

::faint nod, looking over at Roy...:: Well, I got work for you, and a place to stay. The lease is signed, but the managers at the place need a few days yet to get the place ready for you to actually move in. In the meantime, there's a couple places you could stay. I have an opening on the second floor, if you'd like, or Greed has some temporary quarters for employees that he offered.

... I'll go unpack the car while you two discuss this. ::turns back to the door, opening it::

::Starts to answer Ed, pauses, looks at Riza:: She should really rest after all that driving... ::To Ed...::

Riza, we'll get the car. Sit down.

... I can get a few suitca--

::to Ed, interrupting Riza;: I never did envy that girl's parents. ^_^ She's always been like that.

::sighs, gentle tone:: Riza? Come sit down.

... ¬_¬ -_- ::walks over to a chair, sits down::

::Leaning against the doorframe, watching them all while they settle this... there was a time he would have settled it, but it's Ed's show now...::

::glances at Graman:: Always, huh? ::wry smirk, looking back at Riza:: Al and I can get the suitcases. You two have been travelling, you deserve a rest. ::small frown:: And -you- especially look like you haven't slept. ::looks at Roy:: Lemme guess, she hasn't?

::frowns:: I have too.

About twenty hours in the past week, give or take.

... ::eyes Riza, not saying anything yet::

... ::looks at Riza:: -_- When you get home, you are sleeping, you are not allowed to do anything, or unpack or anything of the sorts. Al and Alfons and I can take care of Hayate and anything else.

::eyes closed, frowning a bit, /just/ a tiny hint of a grouchy tone:: It was more than that. ... ::opens her eyes, looks at Ed:: ... -_-

... ::okay, now he's suspicious that she's maybe sick to boot, she's cranky, and he's probably the one who's only ever really seen her when she's sick, at least all that much::

::not bending on this issue; looks back to Roy- matter's settled, as far as he's concerned:: Anyway, there's those two options. The apartment's a two bedroom, in a decent area of the Nexus. I know the area fairly well, it's safe, well within the AVF. And fairly close to the Sin, too, so short walk to work.

... What's the other place? You said that it would be a few days before I could use the apartment...

Ah, right, like I said, until then, I have an opent apartment up on the second floor, though it's only fair to warn you, it's down the hall from Maes. Greed also has temporary quarters above the Sin, down the hall from his pad, that he offers to employees. I think Martel and Dorchette live there, among others.

... ... ::Looks at Riza for a moment, looks at Graman:: ... Those are my only two options, huh?

::watching them, listening:: ... There's a third, possibly. ::looks at Ed:: Could people still come here after you go back?

There's still an open bedroom here and nobody's thought to come ask me where you've disappeared to.

I'm not eager to spend time living around a homunculus, even if I'm working for him... ... And I'm... just no. ::Shakes his head, Looks at Graman:: I'd appreciate being able to stay here, if that's what you're offering...

... I'm not suggesting you live there, but for what it's worth? Greed is actually a good person. He's annoying, loud-mouthed, crass, but in the good way. ...And please tell me that made sense because it did in my head. -_-

Of course. Anytime you want to stay here, the door's open.

::smirks:: It made sense, Riza. Greed is... -_- ::snerks:: Special.

I can vouch for that. o__O;; And the bar is pretty nice and the food's good. ^_^ ::to Roy::

::hasn't forgotten that you spittake bourbon all over him on -purpose-, Greed -_-*::

... I'd still rather wait here. When I go to look at this bar, I'd rather it be on my own schedule.

... ::speaking quickly, her voice a bit shaky:: I know, I wasn't saying you- I mean- I was just... he's a likeable one, I was just- .... ::just shuts up, keeps her mouth shut::

... ::Sighs...:: Edward? General? She's been like that since we left. I've been trying to talk her out of it, but... ... ::Shrugs tiredly::

... ::sighs:: All right. ::glancing at Riza:: Let's get you home then. You need some proper rest before anything else.

... ::looking at Roy - I'm sorry ;_; I didn't mean to make it sound like I didn't want you staying here - don't mind her, she's clearly overtired above anything else, really:: ...::looks at Ed ;_;:: ... ::closes her eyes and nods faintly::

::looks at Al:: Come on, let's get the suitcases inside for them.

>_> Why don't you go freshen up after that drive and I'll see what kind of bourbons I have. ::to Roy::

::nods, smiles a bit;: Okay, Brother. ::opening the door for him, going half down the steps::

::smiling at him as he passes, walking down to the car, letting out a sigh once they're outside; looks back over at Al:: ... they're both messes.

::Nodding slightly to Graman:: Thanks... ::Watching Riza for a moment... heads off to wash up and just let it all hang out... Roy, that's a -horrible- description...::

;_; they are. ... >_> they'll get better though. They're mostly just tired right now which always make everything look a lot worse.

::eyes Riza... steps over and pulls her to her feet, hugging her:: You go home and get some sleep.

... ;____________; ::clinging now, sniffling and crying, shaking like a leaf m's'rry. ;_;

Now what are you apologizing for?

::sighs:: I know. ::digging into the trunk and pulling out the suitcases:: Come on. Let's get Riza home so she can rest. ::and 'cause he wants to hold her tightly but he's kind enough to not do that in front of Roy::

Such a mess, everything just a mess, career's dead, life's a mess, I'm a mess, everything... wanted you to see me better than this.

::pulling out the suitcases as well and almost falling over at the unexpected weight from one of them that's rather small in fact:: You're sounding just like you would when you'd stayed up awake long after you were supposed to go to sleep and had a long busy day. Go home and sleep and I promise you things won't look quite so dim once you've had some rest.

>_> What's wrong?

^_^;; it's just heavier than I thought it'd be, Brother.

>_> ... Here, lemme get it. ::setting down the suitcase in his right hand; holding his hand out for it- that automail can handle whatever it is::

::hands it over::

!! ::okay, wasn't quite expecting it to be that heavy; blinks:: >_> Must be the guns. ::adjusts his grip on it, and heads inside. mun hates him. he doesn't even have to -try- to actually handle that weight, just has to have his balance braced for it -_-::

::sobbing softly, just -sounds- emotionally exhausted more than anything else, it's such a tired, weak sound::

::patting her back gently::

::Heading out of the bathroom after a few minutes and just heading to lay down on a couch... he's given more than he has.::

::walking back inside with Ed::

o_< This suitcase weighs a ton, I hope yo- ::stops, blinking, watching Graman and Riza and oh yes, concern just overrode all his senses; setting the suitcases down:: What happened?

She's just overtired at this point.

::quiet sigh- mostly of relief; nods:: All right. ::looks at the suitcases. not sure which ones are Roy's, although assumes the heavy one is Riza's, since it has the guns::

::pulling away from Graman, sniffling and rubbing her eyes:: ;_; Can we go yet?

::nods:: Which ones are yours? >_>

.... ::steps over... reaches for one of the ones Al's carrying and one of the bags Ed has:: These two.

... What about this one? ::holding up the suitcase with the guns and ammo, and NOT letting her have the other one, for the record. he'll carry it XP::

::shakes her head:: That's grandfather's.

Guns I can easily spare. All you have is the one.

...... I don't need them in the Nexus.

... We'll leave it here. ::glancing at Graman- we'll be back for it though. he's not going to argue with Riza when she's as tired as she is::

::the lieutenant without guns? O_____o;;; okay then!::

... ::Nods::

Is it all right if we leave Roy's suitcases down here, General?

I should hope you weren't planning on taking them with you. ^_^

^_^;; I -could- take them upstairs to the bedrooms, though... ::clearly wants to just -go-:: Thanks. ::motioning for Al to set down Roy's suitcase, and shoving it, and the one with the guns, out of the way:: I'll be back in a few days when that apartment's ready. ::looks at Riza:: Come on. Let's go home

::setting it down, reaches for the one Ed still has and takes back the one Riza took:: ^_^ Goodbye, Lieutenant General, thank you for the cookies. <3

^_^ I'll see you in a few days. Get some rest.

::pulling out the PIN, offering his arm out for Riza and grabbing Al's arm with his free hand- he's multi-talented, clearly::

::clings to Ed, head on his shoulder, eyes closed::

!! ::Staying close to Riza already, but watching that PIN curiously::

>_>! Riza, grab your dog. ^_^;

::isn't forgetting him, per se, just... Ed's taking care of the details and she's just so tired she's barely staying upright:: ... ::would, but doesn't have any hands, and neither has Al ^_^;;;:: See you in a few days, General. ::wee! special effects! aaaaaand to Central, to the church!::

::holding tight to Hayate, eyes closed, not really caring where they are or where they're going::

::leading them through the portal back to the Nexus, keeping an eye on Riza, thanks.:: This way. You can put Hayate down, now.

::looking around, walking up to the apartments, carrying the suitcases::

::sets Hayate down, letting Ed lead her; and this might be a place to stop and post in case Alfons wanted to say anything?::

ed, ic storyline, log, roy

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