
Nov 15, 2009 15:03

[Private | Unhackable]

I've gotten settled in to my berth, finally. They seemed surprised that I had so little luggage, and no one else to help me with it, though there were no comments about it. Wise. I have my excuses, as always, but it gets tiresome to repeat them all the time. Hopefully here I'll have some privacy - the ship is busy, but I've no ties to any of them, which makes it easier to avoid awkward inquiries.

The last attack was particularly bad - while it subsided a week ago and I've had no problems since, I hope it's not a sign things are worsening. Time away from the stresses of work should help some, though. My affairs can run themselves with out my intervention for a while.

[Filtered to the Silvana]

May I inquire as to who is chief of medical staff on this ship? I'd like to speak to them privately, if possible.


It's good to be travelling again. Too much time in the office - you start to lose a sense of perspective.

personal notes, introductions

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