Chapter Title: Glitz-Drunk Ball, Part b
Author: Quod Scripsi
Rating: Blue Cortina for language and slash (Gene/Sam)
Summary:A hideous triple murder leads Sam and the rest of CID on a spiralling investigation into Manchester's seedy and glittering underbelly.
Disclaimer: Life on Mars (c) BBC and Kudos. No money is being made here.
Author's Note: Just a short entry this time. I've decided to hand-letter this strip from now on. I got tired of trying to shuffle my way through AppleWorks Paint (oh, the horror, the horror!) and I can't afford Photoshop or similar programs now. I actually like it better this way; the speech bubbles I think fit better in the context of the rest of the picture this way.
Highway in the Sky, Part A Highway in the Sky, Part B Highway in the Sky, Part C CHAPTER TWO:
Glitz-Drunk Ball, Part A
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