Title: Nine Tenths of the Law
Rating: Brown Cortina
Word count: about 3,100
Notes: C0ldSteel wanted to write a Sam/Annie, which this is, but it discusses other (rawther kinky) things, too. It gets about as smutty as they come, but there are helpful guidelines for skipping in case of squick. (Thanks! :p ) If you skip, it's about a Blue Cortina.
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Comments 4
That said, it's a nice piece and everyone seems in character.
On the subject of smut it's really quite tame; coldsteel should maybe sample the archives here at li'73 and/or ask for recs to get a sense of the LoM smut that's out there. And there's lots. One of my all-time favorite authors (petronelle) has written Sam/Annie smut that really probes the boundaries.
I know I read a lot of smutty LoM fic on fanfiction.net before I found lj, so I had no idea there was any such effort to "keep it clean".
The truth is I had a knee jerk reaction to your describing this fic as "as smutty as they come". Without having any knowledge of your (or Coldsteel's boundaries) It just made me think "Whoah, you haven't explored the archives much, have you?" Now I'm not saying you should run out and read stuff that's squicks you, that you really don't want to read. I think I want to say, just don't make assumptions. Don't assume that your audience does (or does not) want to read smut. Don't assume it's gonna blow their minds.
Re: "good ol' male/female sex" vs. the concept of a threesome, I'd argue that a lot of traditionally minded folks ( ... )
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