Title: To Be Alive
Rating: Brown Cortina for Sam being a twonk when it comes to Road Safety (should've joined the Tufty Club -is shot-)
Word Count: 3,405
Notes: Uhm. I attempted Sam!whump. This was what happened. I picked the one prompt I got Sam!whump bunnies for, which was 'someone maimed/crippled', after writing Mad Dogs fic and Eng Lit essays
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Comments 12
Bittersweet is the correct tag for this, yes. ;O; THAT WAS SO BITTERSWEET I CAN'T EVEN. I feel so sorry for Sam -- the happiness before that, and then the accident, and and and god the poor guy. But it's SO LOVELY to see that he can still do his job, even when he can't walk - especially where he tripped that one goon up, that was BRILLIANT.
Also, the way you write Sam/Annie is so adorable. You have Annie's character down so well especially! And her shrieking at the doctors, I can so imagine that, it's awesome.
In short, I love love LOVE this. And I can't get any more coherrent than this cos it's nearly 2AM and I'm sobering down from a Gin Tonic and really should go to bed. xD but THANK YOU for posting this, it was such a fantastic read. <333333333333
I hoped so xD It was pretty much my first ever proper attempt at Sam/Annie, so I'm glad I got them right. Annie was huge fun to write!
Hope you've, er, come down now. :P Thank you so so much!!
I liked the Sam/Annie element you had in there too. They're really just so cute together, the two of them. And how she stayed with him, yelling at the doctors and keeping him comfortable. She's so sweet. And Gene, staying there with Sammy but not wanting him to know. Gah. I don't even know XD. Great story though; wonderful use of the prompt.
It's sad but also happy! Lovely lovely EMOTION-CONFUSION! XD This is brilliant, as always :D
Awwwww Fern thank you!! Thank you :D Now back to Gene!whump, where I am so much more comfortable...
But lovely ending in which love and companionship keep making life worth living!
Seriously, thank you so hugely much :) (And for Hang On To Yourself. I mean, seriously. How talented are you two. :D)
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