Whump!bingo fic: Worth It (Brown Cortina for gratuitous violence)

Apr 12, 2013 00:48

Title: Worth It (as you can tell, my title bunny is hibernating at half past midnight)
Rating: Brown Cortina for violence
Word Count: 2,502
Notes: Prompts: 'hand injury' and 'beaten up in Lost and Found'. Sorry, Sam!whump lovers- you are next, I promise. This bunny bit me out of nowhere and made me write it, so don't blame me, blame it. Oh, and the ( Read more... )

rating: brown cortina, character: ray, character: phyllis, character: annie, genre: hurt, character: chris, fic type: slash, fic, genre: hurt/comfort, character: sam, pairing: sam/gene, character: gene, genre: angst

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Comments 12

talkingtothesky April 12 2013, 05:41:50 UTC
Xys, you are so so good at this. <3 Gene continuing to give Swindon hell even when seriously injured, his commitment to making that girl's life less awful any way he possibly can, Phyllis' involvement, and that last line! (Any chance of hearing more about what Sam's caregiving role entails? :D) This is my overall favourite part:

His own hand was warm, soft, and it never ceased to amaze Gene, how Sam had had his time on the beat and on the streets and made it to DI without so much as a single patch of work-worn skin. Trust Sam to look reason up and down and tell it to screw itself.
Because it works perfectly on so many levels.

Thanks for writing!


xysabridde April 12 2013, 10:56:58 UTC
*refuses to believe* <333

Glad you liked it, thanks hugely for commenting!


eve997 April 12 2013, 10:36:32 UTC
Love a bit of Gene!Whump. Especially when everything turns out worth it in the end. Wonderful job with the descriptions of Gene's surroundings as he saw/heard/felt them. Everything from the feel of hands on him, to lying in hospital, to hearing Sam's voice was perfect described in the mind of someone who isn't fully there. My favorite part was how Gene kept pushing aside the pain, telling himself that he wasn't hurt, that it was someone else's blood soaking through his clothes. That right there is just the determination and stubbornness of Gene Hunt.


xysabridde April 12 2013, 10:58:01 UTC
He is stubborn, bless him... but we love him for it. Thank you so much, Eve!! <3


fern_tree April 12 2013, 11:09:05 UTC
GAHHHHHH <33333333333333333 XYS!

This is fantastic! You did SUCH a good job of making the bad guy absolutely HATEABLE. To the point where you're just mentally trying to PUSH Gene into battering the guy black and blue! And because the guy was such a horrible bastard, when he managed to get the better of Gene it was genuinely scary! (MUAHAHA! >:D)

One of the things I love most about this is the way Phyllis was the one to grab him and drag him out <3 I have a soft spot for Gene and Phyllis's friendship, and so it was lovely to see her being the one to haul him out, bandage his hand up and talk to him as he was being transferred to the ambulance <3 And of course, Sam being by his side was lovelyyyy. <333333333333 This is fantastic, Xys! :D

Do you only have one more prompt to fill for your whump grid now? <3333 *vows to get at least halfway through one prompt tonight! XD*


xysabridde April 12 2013, 11:35:59 UTC
*grinning like a loon* THANK YOOOUUU! <333333333333333

Oh, I have such a soft spot for Gene and Phyllis it's unreal. <3333 There will be more of this!

And I'm doing a blackout of my grid, so I've got six more prompts to go, then I'll ask for another one, I think. This is way too fun xDDD Thank you hugelyyyy! <3333


gorrlaus April 13 2013, 12:21:38 UTC
Yes. That is proper Gene!whump, with bones showing. Thank you. :D

Love how you've included Phyllis, and her and Sam sitting by Gene's bed and keeping him company. I can totally see them do that!


xysabridde April 13 2013, 17:49:13 UTC
Ugh. It's so disgustingly fun to whump. xD

Thank you so very much!!!


setting54 April 13 2013, 15:50:09 UTC
Xys, this is so good! (Well, I guess 'well-written' would probably be a better choice of adjective in the case of a fic as dark as this one) Swindon was just such an evil, despicable character that not only did I not mind Gene kicking the shit out of him, but also was mentally cheering on Gene as he did it.

Also, I really enjoy the witty, cheeky sense of humor that you always include at certain points in your whump fics, such as "... her handbag had made a lovely big red mark on the bastard’s cheek.", which are perfectly on parr with with the series.

And then the part talking about kid's finding their parents dead behind the King's Arms was just so wonderfully written and heartbreaking

As always, great job :D your skills of whump continue to amaze me. (Reading these fics reminds me I have to start on my prompts, I haven't touched the word doc with the beginnings of my first one for a week -_-)


xysabridde April 13 2013, 17:50:09 UTC
Hehe, well-written will suffice. ;)

Any time you're ready! I'll have to get mine over and done with as quickly as possible before my exams start. Thank you so hugely much for commenting!!


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