Recommendations Query...

Sep 13, 2011 21:43

Good news, everyone!

Now that the Big Bang is more or less over, it is an excellent time to have recs week! However, I was thinking it could run differently this year. Instead of me coming up with rec themes: we all can! And instead of me posting the rec theme for the day, we can have a committee of volunteers.

My thinking was something like this --- we could make a list of themes/genres we'd like to see recced.

(In the past we've had things like "gen: light", "slash: dark", "3 fics/vids/artworks where you craved a sequel", "3 fics/vids/artworks that should be canon", "3 fics you reread the most", "3 fics/vids/artworks that make you tingle", "3 fics/vids/artworks that make you go for the kleenex." But you wouldn't have to do anything like that, these are just guidance. If you want to see how it was run before, you can find it here, or under the similar tags on the sidebar.)

Then, a few days after that, I'd call for volunteers to take on a theme or genre to put up a post calling for recommendations. Volunteers would confer as to when the best time for recs 'week' or 'series of days' is.

On the reccing days nominated, we'd all then happily rec away!

Does this sound okay? Could something be improved? What do you want to see?

recommendations week 2011

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