[Fic] Jealousy

Apr 14, 2009 11:45

This is a fic I started writing a couple months ago, forgot about it, and then remembered and finished. I have another fic like that that I'll post later, but I have to look something up first.

So, to those that wanted more Sam/Annie, here you go! :D

Author: lunadeath02
Pairing/characters: Sam/Annie, Gene
Rated: NC-17
Warnings: lace fetish (is this a warning?), het, possessive!Sam, naughty talk
Notes: I started this fic a few months ago and then forgotten about it until just this weekend. I mainly started writing it because of a small plot bunny, and then it turned porny, so I hope that’s okay.
Disclaimer: I do not own, the BBC and Kudos do


“Wait, run that by me again, Cartwright…”

Annie leaned in closer, clutching her beer tightly so that she won’t spill any. “I said, I want you to ‘elp me make Sam jealous.”

“You’re loony, is what you are,” Gene whispered back. “I’m Sam’s best mate, and if he sees me flirtin’ with you in anyway, it’ll take forever for him to forgive me.”

“Don’t worry about that,” she said, patting his elbow. “I’ll explain things to him when the time is right.”

“I don’t know,” said Gene slowly. “I’m not afraid of Sam, of course, and I can definitely take my lickings from ‘im and keep on tickin’, but the ponce might get upset enough with me that he might try to resign.”

“You let me worry about Sam, yeah?” Annie whispered, and her eyes darted over to the men’s room where Sam had disappeared a minute ago. “I’ll owe you one if you do.”

“Like what?” said Gene, feeling a bit more interested.

“Whatever comes up where I’d owe you a favor.”

The minute she saw Sam walk out of the restroom, she nudged Gene a bit, nodded toward Sam, and then gave him a look that was supposed to be his signal. Gene sighed, not sure if he really wanted to do this, because there was a good chance that Sam would get so angry with him about it, they might end up in a really horrible row. But Cartwright was right; her and Sam’s relationship needed a nudge in the right direction. Sam was taking an awful long time with courting her, and she was getting tired of the waiting. Gene didn’t know where Sam learned his dating techniques from, but he had one or two things to learn about women and their desires.

It looked as though there wasn’t much of a choice for him, so he went with her plan. He only hoped that Sam would forgive him sooner than later, because he needed his deputy tomorrow-his strong willed and friendly deputy, and not a sulky, girly deputy.

Just as Sam was close enough so that he could easily see them, Gene put an arm around her waist and leaned down and kissed at her neck. He didn’t even look at Sam when he did it, but then when he lifted his eyes, still sucking on Annie’s neck, he saw Sam frozen to the spot. Gene moved his hand lower on Annie’s body and that seemed to have thawed Sam out. Sam took two strides to get there, just as Annie giggled and shrieked: “Guv!”

Sam pulled Gene away by the back of his shirt with strength that he didn’t even know he possessed and Gene nearly fell off the stool onto his arse. Sam was snarling and wrapped a protective arm around Annie, and reflexively, Annie buried her face into his neck and curled into his chest.

“What the bloody ‘ell do you think you’re doing?” Sam yelled, and many in the pub stopped talking to stare at the commotion. Even Nelson stopped cleaning a glass to watch, curious as to what was going on.

“You’re more useless than I thought if you had no idea what I was just doing,” said Gene, and the moment he said it, Sam’s eyes flashed hard and seemed to be boring into him. Okay, maybe this wasn’t such a good choice after all.

Sam pointed a threatening finger at him, teeth bared. “You touch her again, and you’ll be looking like a bloody raccoon. …Or worse.”

Gene just raised his eyebrows at that. Sam escorted Annie off the stool and out of the pub, and Gene sighed in some relief, glad that he didn’t have to get into a huge fistfight with Sam here in the pub. One of the last things he wanted to do was spill his beer and make a wreck of Nelson’s bar. Well, that and ruin his friendship with Sam. Not that he’d admit that to anyone.


“He touched you!” Sam growled, pulling Annie around the corner. She had her back against the brick wall and her arms were around his neck as he leaned in close. Did her plan work? Was he finally going to take charge like a real man?

“Oh, Sam…” she sighed, feeling somewhat aroused by the fire in his eyes and the closeness of his body against hers. He dipped his head down to suck at the spot where Gene just had done.

“Mine, Annie, no one else’s.”

“Yes,” she moaned, tossing her head back to allow him better access. “All yours, Sam.”

“Don’t let him touch you like that again… I don’t like it.”

“Yes, Sam,” she breathed. “Anything you say…”

“I don’t care what his excuse is, he had no right to do it.” Sam growled against her neck, nipping and sucking at her skin.

Annie ran her hands up and down Sam’s back, feeling his muscles tense and rippling, and it made her wet. “Oh yes, Sam… yes, yes, yes!”

Sam ran a hand down her side, over her curves, and then back up and around to her front. She moaned when his hand cupped one of her breasts. “Mine, Annie… mine.”

“Then prove it, Sam,” she whispered into his ear. “Prove to me that I’m all yours. Stake your claim on me. Take me. Show me you’re a real man.”

Sam snarled and nipped her neck playfully, but not very gently, marking what was his. It hurt a little, but she didn’t mind; it turned her on. For a moment, she thought he was going to do her right there in the alley, because he stood in between her legs and kept pressing his arousal against her. She made an embarrassing squeak when he sucked on her earlobe and pinched her nipple through her thin blouse.

Then he straightened out, as if realizing that if he didn’t stop now he would take her right there against the brick wall, took her hand, and then dragged her all the way back to his flat.

By the time they finally arrived, Annie had already been thinking about all the possibilities of what they would do, and it was making her throb. When Sam shut and locked the door behind them, Annie’s arms went around Sam’s neck once more and she attached herself to his mouth like she was drowning. He kissed back hungrily, pushing her backwards the entire time, hands all over her back and arse. Then he turned them around before sitting on his armchair and pulled her down into his lap. She laid across his lap for a while, letting him pet and fondle her everywhere. She loved it especially when he ran his hand from her hip down her thigh and to her bare knee and squeezed it. They continued to kiss and touch, and then when Sam released their mouths, Annie moved in to take an ear between her teeth and pulled it tautly.

“Tart,” he groaned, which in turn made her groan.

“If I’m your tart,” she said slowly, opening his shirt one button at a time, “then you’re my pimp.”

That shouldn’t have been sexy, but it was so bloody filthy in the way she said it. Sam made a low, gravelly noise in his throat as he turned her so that she was facing him, straddling his thighs, and hiked up her skirt. She made quick work of his shirt then, pushed it out of the way, and was pleased to find that Sam wasn’t wearing a vest this time like he normally did. Her fingers caressed the middle of his chest, finding fine, soft hairs there before diverting her hand to find a nipple. Sam sucked in a soft breath, running his hands up her thighs and stopped at the bottom of her buttocks. He squeezed just there before moving them around to the sides, right before the hips, and squeezed again, delighted in finding some meat there as opposed to the girls he’d seen in 2006. He had to admit, those really skinny women did absolutely nothing for him.

She liked the shape of Sam’s neck and the way his St. Christopher necklace laid in it’s hallow. She just wanted to bite it, lick it, suck it; so she gave in to temptation and did just that. She sucked in the round bit into her mouth for a moment before letting go, and then when he noticed her do that, she lifted her head up to take his lips again. He brought his hands up to deftly undo her blouse and slid it off her shoulders. She brought her arms back to let it fall to the floor before going back to devouring his mouth and tongue. She explored every bit of the inside of his mouth, the roof, the sides, behind his teeth, before entangling it with his own. When his touch became too gentle, she grabbed his hand and showed him she wasn’t in the mood for any kind of lovemaking; she wanted hard and rough. Sam got the hint and stroked her body more forcefully, slapping her arse and getting a moan from her, and then suddenly there were two fingers pushing inside her and she gasped.

“Is this what you want?” he asked, voice rasping. All she could do was nod and moan, and so he thrust his fingers in and out of her harder, and she pushed back on them. Her fingers fumbled over his jeans, undoing his belt and the fly. Her knuckles brushed over the bulge she found there, and she was surprised to find she’d been holding her breath. He definitely looked so much bigger, fatter, when excited then when he was handcuffed to his bed and feeling humiliated.

“I want…” she began, but found her voice breaking. She wanted Sam inside her, to feel that rock hard cock buried in her heat and stabbing her over and over; she wanted to feel his powerful thrusts take her to the heights of pleasure, and feel him come deep inside her, but she just couldn’t find the right words, so instead she yanked open his trousers and gripped his cock tightly in her fist.

He tossed his head back, mouth open in a silent moan, eyes tightly shut. She watched the emotion play on his face as she squeezed the base of his cock, then the middle, and finally up to the bulbous head. The latter got the best reaction, so she did it again. Then her light teases became rougher as she stroked him, enjoying the fine velvety skin as it glided over hard muscle. As she did so, he unhooked her bra from the back with little to no trouble and slid it down her arms. For a moment, she thought he was going to use her bra as makeshift handcuffs, but then he pulled it off one side and it slid down the arm that was busy stroking him. The lace of the garment touched his cock, and his hips instantly quickened its pace.

“You like that, Sam?” she found herself saying, and then bit her lip in embarrassment. He kept his eyes closed as he moaned, blushing softly. Yes, he liked it, and was embarrassed by it too. She smiled, took one of the lacy cups and wrapped it around the head of his cock. He moaned louder as it slid over him and then he gasped and stopped her arm from moving and squeezed the base of his shaft to starve off early ejaculation. Yes, indeed, he did enjoy that.

“Someone has a fetish,” Annie teased, and Sam opened his eyes to give her a warning glare. It was received in understanding, and she mimed zipping up her lips to show that his secret was safe with her. She then removed the bra from his cock, tossed it behind her, and moved herself above him, pushing aside her knickers. She still wore her stockings and shoes, and Sam didn’t seem to mind at all seeing how he was just as eager to get to it as she was. He gripped her thighs tightly as she maneuvered above him, and then slowly, bit-by-bit, she slid down, taking him in completely.

They both gasped. Sam was the louder of the two. She stayed still, enjoying the feel of him inside her at last, and leaned down to kiss him. They kissed softly for a while as they relished the feel of being joined together for the first time, and then Annie ground herself against him and Sam shivered, and thrust up hard. She kept herself taut against him as she moved, not raising her body even an inch, as she cantered her hips. She had rode many good stallions before, and broken some in, and somehow this didn’t seem as different.

Sam moved his hands from her thighs to her hips, hoping to egg her on to more movement, but she kept her thrusts shallow and kept on pressing her clitoris harder against his pubic bone, sending delightful little shivers up and down her spine. Finally, Sam had enough and grabbed each buttock in his hands, planted his feet firmly to the floor, and began thrusting his hips in time while bouncing her on top of him. The second he did it, Annie tightened her knees around his thighs and tossed her head back, crying out. She didn’t stifle his thrusts this time but rode them out, moving her self as well, as though she had urged her stallion forward first and now they were in a light trot that was steadily becoming a gallop. She rocked as though she were in the saddle, and it set them both aflame and their pace quickened.

Then he swatted her arse and she moaned, bouncing faster and harder on him. Wet noises ensued, but it was going unnoticed by them as they became faster still, riding out the wave of pleasure. The thrusts became elongated, the head nearly slipping out, come and pre-come meshing together on his cock and around the lips. Sam took one swinging breast into his mouth, sucking hard, and Annie cried out and came again and again around him, wetting them further, and it made them noisier in their coupling.

Before she could fully catch her breath, Sam picked her up with surprising strength, and then laid her down on top of their scattered clothes on the floor, hoisted her legs up over his shoulders, and fucked her harder, hips snapping. Annie cried out again until Sam silenced her with his mouth and sucked and kissed. She shivered and whimpered below him as he nearly slammed in and out, and then stiffened, thrusting one last time and stayed buried deep inside her as he came, roaring out his orgasm.


The doors to Gene’s office banged open and in stepped Sam. Gene took in his DI’s determined look and prepared himself for a fight. He doubted that Sam had forgotten what he did to Annie, he just hoped that his desk stayed in tact while they had their tussle, not to mention his bottle of scotch.

“Well, don’t just stand there looking stupid, Tyler, get it off yer chest.”

“Oh, right. Uh, I guess that I have you to thank for last night, Guv.”

Gene’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Wot?”

“Annie told me everything,” said Sam. “About making me jealous just so that I would finally, er… take her.” He smiled, blushing softly.

Gene snorted and drank the last bit of his scotch in his glass. “Yeah, you could say that.”

“Well… thanks, Gene. Thank you.”

“Yeah, well… don’t mention it.” Gene said, pouring himself more scotch.

Sam smiled, nodded, and turned to leave, but before he walked out of the office he stopped and turned back. “Guv?”

“Hmm?” Gene said into his glass.

“If I have a son, I’ll name him after you.”

Gene sprayed scotch all over his desk in shock, and Sam laughed as he left.


fic, pairing: sam/annie, fic type: het

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