Automate by Draycevixen. Blue Cortina.

May 21, 2008 17:27

Title: Automate. Autogenesis series (story #3)
Author: Drayce
Characters: Sam/Gene/Cortina
Rating: Blue Cortina
Warnings: Verily I say unto you, ‘tis crack.
Word Count: 2162 words.
Notes: Written because I have FIENDS on my friendlist! Points pointy finger at vicfarmer and mikes_grrl.

Please read these two stories first if you hope to have any sense at all of what is going on here…

1) Stock Car

2) Cara Mia



This way to #4 Auto-Erotic

character: cortina, pairing: cortina/sam, rating: blue cortina, pairing: cortina/gene, fic type: slash, fic, genre: crack, genre: casefic, genre: humour, character: sam, fic type: het, pairing: sam/gene, character: gene, genre: angst

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