Fic: Things Gene Doesn't Do by Joanne, Gene/Annie, Brown Cortina

Apr 15, 2008 15:12

Title: Things Gene Doesn’t Do
Author: joanne_c
Rating: Brown Cortina
Pairing: Gene/Annie, Gene/Sam implied, Gene/Sam/Annie discussed.
Warning: Gene uses the words I think he would use. I don’t think it’s quite a language warning but.. tread carefully.
Word Count: 2, 235 according to Word
Disclaimer: I do not own Life On Mars, that honour belongs to the BBC and some people in the UK who are not me.
Summary: Gene asks Annie for some help in understanding Sam.

A/N: An adopted unused prompt from the Anon Porn Fest inspired me to write my first LOM fic. Prompt: Gene is curious, but wants to avoid the gay label. So he tries it out with Annie. Pegging. I realise that Gene’s logic isn’t exactly logical but it makes sense to him.

“What is it, Guv?” Annie asked, getting to the point.

Gene, of course, didn’t want to get near it this soon. It had to be subtle. “Want another drink?”

Annie looked at Gene as if he’d grown another head. “I just got this one.”

“Oh. Right.” Gene didn’t want to put his foot in it any more, so he shut up and drank his beer. And the next one. He did get Annie another drink, somewhere in there.

“What is it?” Annie asked again. “I mean, usually you’re talking to Sam or Ray or even Chris, but you’re here. So there must be a reason. And I don’t think it’s because you’ve suddenly realised how pretty my mouth really is…”

“Maybe it is,” Gene muttered. “You do have a pretty mouth. Nearly as pretty as Tyler’s. And you didn’t hear me say that.”

”Like the office doesn’t know anyway,” Annie muttered.

“WHAT?” Gene wasn’t blushing. The Gene Genie did not blush. It was anger flushing his face.

“I have eyes, Guv,” Annie said to Gene. “And um…” she blushed and would admit that was what it was if she was asked. “I… I saw you once.”

“What?” That one was somewhat softer. “Really? What did you see, Cartwright?”

“I… I saw you kissing after the pub, in your car. A few months ago. And I didn’t move. You… threw your head back and Sam smiled and… I don’t know just what you were doing but it was so sexy, Guv. I wanted to stay but I knew you wouldn’t like it so I went home…”

“And? There’s an and there, Annie…” Gene didn’t even realise he’d used her name.

“I touched myself. Thinking of what I’d seen. I can be a very bad girl, Guv,” Annie whispered. “But I like myself that way. So do my lovers.”

“You should see him when he takes me cock,” Gene said to Annie. “When he’s so turned on his own cock’s fit to burst and he’s begging me to fuck him. He looks so… abandoned, so…”

“Beautiful?” Annie fills in for him, knowing that the Guv would never say that about another man.

”Could be that,” Gene nodded. “Could be that. And he tells me how good it feels and oh god, that first moment when I slide into him, so hot and so tight, and he screams for me, or maybe he moans or growls…”

“I’d love to hear it,” Annie murmured. “Sometime…” She wasn’t going to deny her own thoughts.

“Tyler’d love that,” Gene murmured. “Fucking you while I fuck him. Making you scream…”

“So is that what this is about?” Annie asked.

”No,” Gene said. “Well. Maybe. But not this. Exactly.”

Annie leaned forward and took Gene’s hand, looking into his eyes. “Then, Guv, you better tell me exactly what this is. Before I have to excuse myself and go into the ladies’ and see to myself, because you are turning me on so much right now that I’m going to have to do something really soon.”

“Iwantyoutofuckme,” Gene said in a rush, the image of Cartwri - no, that would be Annie - touching herself in the ladies’ too much to bear.

“What about Sam?” Annie asked.

“It’s not like we’re doing more than me fucking him,” Gene said. “I’m not gay.”

Annie tried not to roll her eyes too much. “So what do you want me to do, exactly?” she asked. “I mean, god, I’m so wet right now I could come around there and pull my skirt up and your trousers down and come before anyone even realized I was sitting on your lap. After I got my knickers off of course.”

”Nice as that would be,” and Gene could feel his trousers getting tighter, “I want you to fuck me. I want to know what it is that makes Tyler scream when I slide into him.”

Annie frowned. “So why aren’t you asking Sam? I mean you two are, as you said, fucking.”

”Because I’m not gay. I don’t take a cock up my arse,” Gene said, logically.

”What do you want, my fingers, or my hand there?” Annie asked.

“No, I want… I… you to wear one of those harnesses and the not real cocks. Like birds do.”

Annie raised both eyebrows. “What makes you think I have any idea what you’re talking about?”

“Do you?”

”That wasn’t what I said, Gene.” She didn’t realise she’d stopped being formal either.

“I… don’t. I have it,” Gene said. “I’m not that unprepared.”

“Have what?” Annie asked.

“The. Fake cock. Thing. Harness.”

“Oh,” Annie said. “Pity you wasted your money. I’ve got my own and it’s the only one I’ll wear.”

”What? You were winding me up?” Gene looked at Annie, not sure whether to be angry, turned on, or both.

“Just a bit, Guv, but I wasn’t certain at first,” Annie defended herself. “And it took the edge of me being so turned on. I think… we’d better get back to my flat.”

“I don’t know if I can bloody walk,” Gene muttered.

”No need, I have my car,” Annie replied.

Gene was so amused he got up when Annie offered him her hand and they did manage to make it to the car.

“Why did you say yes?” Gene asked, more to make conversation as they drove.

“Because no other bird is getting to do this to you,” Annie replied. “And well… I want to. Have for… a while.”

”But I’m a sexist pig, Tyler says.”

”Oh you’re that, but you’re also a very sexy man, Gene,” Annie replied. “Can’t say I’ve been making cow eyes since we met or anything but I’ve always thought so.”

“Good. Wouldn’t want you doing it if you didn’t think so,” Gene said and he was vaguely aware that the car had stopped. He made sure the car was locked up and offered his arm to Annie.

They were decorous going upstairs, if Annie’s lewd whispers in Gene’s ear didn’t count, but the moment she’d locked her door, Gene was on her, kissing her, sliding a hand up her skirt and delighting in the moan as two fingers slid into her as he pushed her panties aside.

“Oh fuck… oh Gene,” Annie moaned, only the door at her back and Gene at her front holding her up.

”Little tart deep down, like all of them, bloody gagging for it, aren’t you?” Gene murmured, kissing Annie and working her blouse open with his other hand. He grinned at her gasp when he slid his hand into her bra, touched her nipple and when he curled his fingers in her cunt, he hit somewhere that made her scream and he could feel her wetness all over his hand.

“Well now,” Gene said, just looking at Annie, flushed and sated. “I think this might need to happen again. Because I’m going to see this after I’ve given you a good seeing to with my cock, pretty girl. And I know I’m not going to do that tonight.”

Annie nodded, shakily. “You can have me at any time. Long as we’re not working.”

Gene nodded too, he kept things with Sam out of the office, he could do the same with Annie. He helped her up. “Come on, I want to see you.”

Annie held onto Gene, indicating the way to her bedroom, and she laughed as he swept her up in his arms.

“’S faster,” Gene said by way of explanation. He undressed her, not exactly tenderly, but not ripping everything off, either. He didn’t put her clothes in a neat pile but he did put them all together.

He hung up the camel hair coat carefully. He didn’t pay attention to Annie’s soft giggle at that.

Annie lay back and spread her legs, showing Gene her wet, swollen cunt. “God, you made me feel so good,” she moaned.

“Y’know, a part of me just wants to fuck you until you scream,” Gene said.

“It’s not like I’d object,” Annie answered. “But you did ask…”

“I did…” Gene moved onto the bed. “So how do you want me?”

“Fucking me until I scream,” Annie teased. “Next time?”

“Oh yeah, next time,” Gene nodded.

“Then… do you want to be on your knees or on your back?” Annie asked, leaning over to kiss Gene again.

“Back,” Gene answered. “My knees might give out. You’re that good, aren’t you? Have I mentioned you have great tits?”

“Thank you,” Annie replied, somehow following the words and grinning a bit at the last. She moved over Gene and not so accidentally dangled them within reach of his mouth.

Of course Gene’s tongue moved to swirl around a nipple, and his lips moved up to suckle gently, then more firmly. He held Annie’s hips and pressed a leg between hers, as his teeth fastened on that erect nipple and he tugged, softly. Her cunt pressed against him and he reconsidered fucking her again. But he was here for a reason, no matter how lovely and responsive Annie was in his arms. Still, he could play a bit longer…

Annie gasped as Gene’s leg pressed against her and he flipped her over.

”Don’t do this for everyone,” Gene said, conversationally, and he bent his head, dipping his tongue inside her.

“Oooh,” Annie squirmed as she felt him lick all kinds of interesting places. “Weren’t we…”

Gene lifted his head. “Patience, Annie. You’re a woman. You can come a dozen times before you fuck me. So lay back and enjoy…”

Gene didn’t hear an answer but Annie’s thighs spreading and her legs twining around his head were more than enough to know she clearly agreed.

A very long time after, Gene gave a last flick of his tongue to her cunt and Annie screamed with yet another orgasm. “Oh fuck,” Annie moaned as she lay back, boneless.

”I haven’t tired you out, have I?” Gene asked with a wink.

“No, of course not,” Annie moved over onto her side and grinned. “Your tongue’s bloody amazing.”

”That’s what Tyler says,” Gene winked.

“I’m sure,” Annie laughed and moved over to straddle Gene. “Just lay back and I’ll make you feel so good,” she said, kissing him. She reached into the bedside table and got out her dildo and harness, sliding it over her hips and letting the fake cock fall in front of her.

“That’s… big,” Gene said. “You sure…”

“It’s not as big as you,” Annie pointed out, pressing the fake cock alongside Gene’s.

“Fair enough,” Gene nodded. “You got something to… make it easier?”

Annie nodded, reaching into the drawer and picking up a tube. “Girls like it up the arse as much as guys - at least some girls do,” she amended. “I had a girlfriend who liked it…”

“Really now?” Gene licked his lips imagining Annie with a girl.

”Really,” Annie nodded, slicking her fingers up and pressing one inside Gene. She was careful with her nails, which Gene was grateful for. She probed and stretched carefully and Gene almost came off the bed when her finger brushed a spot inside him. And he moaned even more loudly when she slid a second and a third finger into him, stretching him so carefully but so well.

“Ready?” Annie asked, after a long time, slicking up the dildo as well. “Ready for me, Gene?”

“Fuck me,” Gene moaned. “Now, Annie!” His legs spread and he looked up at her and it wasn’t quite pleading but it was certainly as close as Gene would ever admit to.

Annie pressed the dildo slowly into Gene, watching him carefully. Gene wrapped his legs around her and encouraged her.

”Hard, Annie. I don’t treat Tyler like a piece of glass and I don’t want you doing that to me. I can take it, so fuck me,” Gene demanded.

Annie did, snapping her hips forward hard.

Gene yelled and he hoped, a second later, that no one heard, but a second after that, Annie’s dildo was buried in him as far as it could go and he wasn’t thinking about anything but how good it felt.

A long, teasing, oddly gentle and yet hard fuck followed and Annie did everything she could to make sure Gene knew just how good a cock in his ass could feel.

At the end, a moment before Gene would have to come, his cock was hard, and as he’d put it earlier, “fit to burst,” Annie leaned down. “Come, Gene. Come for me.”

And he did, so hard he wasn’t sure he hadn’t done it twice and it went all over them both, he could see it on her tits and he groaned. “Oh Annie…” before falling back, completely satisfied. “Thank you,” he murmured, pulling her close and kissing her. “I understand it now…”

”Sam’s a lucky man,” Annie smiled, snuggling close.

“You want to see how lucky?” Gene asked her.

“I think I already said yes,” Annie answered.

“Then you will, soon,” Gene said. “But not tonight. You wore me out, you minx.”

”Minx?” Annie raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t think that was something you’d ever call me.”

“I like it, it suits you. And I’m tired. Is there any reason I can’t sleep here?”

“None I can think of as long as you don’t pinch all the blankets,” Annie replied, pulling them over them both.

“Then I’m staying,” Gene said. It was settled. Neither of them was awake much longer.


fic type: het, character: annie, pairing: sam/annie/gene

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