Mar 26, 2008 16:41
Title: Snow
Pairing: Sam/Gene
Rating/Warnings: Blue Cortina (PG-13)
Spoilers: 1.06, A2A premise.
Author’s note: First fic after getting me act together to join up. Critique very much encouraged.
Summary: Goodbyes and gifts. In the snow. I'm a romantic.
The snow was falling thick and fast. So fast it was almost confusing. It was falling, falling over his small, yet powerful shoulders. Falling over his thinning hair. The leather was getting wet as the snow melted on his coat. His face broke out in a crooked smile. He reached out a hand, catching the snow and watched it melt.
"I always thought snow was magical." He smiled again, this time properly, and put his hands behind his head. "Look Gene, make up any story you want. I know about the transfer and I know why it has to happen this way, I’m not angry."
Gene kept his ground, not looking away, blue locked on brown.
"You may not be angry, but yer upset Sam, I can see it in yer eyes."
Sam said nothing, only took off his necklace. The flash of silver distracted Gene and he broke his gaze for a second. A second was all it took, He stared at the white ground, too afraid to look back. When he finally looked up, Sam was much closer, close enough to touch him. His arm was outstretched, his hand was help palm up, the necklace wound around his fingers, the medallion hanging below.
"Sam, I can’t…that’s yers."
"It’s yours now, Gene." Sam unwound the necklace and moved closer. As his hands, surprisingly soft for a copper, brushed the larger mans neck, tears formed in his eyes.
"But Sam, I don’t have…I’ve got nuthin to give yer." As Sam finished clasping the chain together and the first few tears were running down his face, Gene was already rummaging in his many pockets. He pulled out a grazed, dented hip flask.
"Tell yer what. You can have this. It’s still full n’all. That’s a supreme sacrifice there, love."
Sam started to laugh tearfully. It was the hip flask that saved his life the day they were being held hostage. The day Sam realised there was more to Gene that he first realised.
pairing: sam/gene,
fic type: slash