Fic: Welcome to 1973, by Kirsteena, White Cortina

Mar 24, 2008 20:58

Title: Welcome to 1973
Author: kirsteena
Fandom: Life on Mars
Spoilers: Episode 1
Rating: PG (White Cortina)
Word Count: 100
Summary: Brains are amazing things
a/n Written for the fanfic50 challenge, prompt 2, Bounce. Unbeta'ed, all mistakes are my own. Drabble.
DISCLAIMER: Life on Mars is copyright Kudos and the BBC. All Rights Reserved. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Table: Table here

Sam never saw the car coming. One minute, he was standing beside his jeep, trying not to lose hope about Maya, the next he was on his side in Mancunian Way. He felt himself crash into the asphalt, bounce and come to a halt, staring into the distance, eyes open but unseeing. Silence, nothingness, for a time, then new sensations overtook him. He was aware that help had been called and there was an ambulance crew working on him, but all that meant nothing as his brain worked, creating new situations for him to deal with.

Welcome to 1973, Sam.
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