Kindle Worlds = FanLib?

May 22, 2013 19:44

Amazon announces a new program called Kindle Worlds, in which fanfic authors are invited to color within the lines to color within the lines in a tiny number of fandoms and supposedly earn royalties on straight-to-Kindle fanfiction.

See John Scalzi's take on it.I commented at his blog; my hunch is that Amazon will charge authors a fee for every ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

joiedumonde May 29 2013, 03:45:57 UTC
I admit I almost threw my phone across the room when I read about this on my BBC News app the other day. Such awful flashbacks! I've read some of the comments on John's blog, and I tend to agree that this is more along the lines of marketing something as fanfic, rather than actually marketing real fanfic.


ingriam May 29 2013, 07:00:47 UTC
That wouldn't surprise me.


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