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Comments 10

sayhello July 25 2008, 18:53:49 UTC


manna July 25 2008, 19:48:25 UTC
At $77 a day, it would take them a little over a hundred years to pay back their investors :-)

Mind you, if those figures are anywhere near accurate, ff.net is doing rather nicely indeed.


lapislaz July 25 2008, 20:07:42 UTC
Don't be too sure about those figures - I just put my company web site in there and it said we were getting 100 dollars a day from ad revenue. Which is fascinating because we don't have any ads on our site.


manna July 25 2008, 20:18:25 UTC
I think what it's actually calculating is potential ad revenue based on your number of page impressions. I assume the site brokers ads, or something. I didn't really go looking around it.


topaz_eyes July 26 2008, 17:12:47 UTC
The site itself says the figures are not 100% accurate and they change.


stewardess July 25 2008, 20:06:45 UTC
Ouch! The ad revenue may be only a guesstimate, but the daily page views, FanLib's 25,672 vs FanFiction.net's 3,846,153, is likely accurate.


Wow lerogue July 25 2008, 20:11:31 UTC
Talk about a Titanic --

http://www.myfandoms.com/groups/?id=16 (for all FanLib Refugees)


ljmouse July 27 2008, 01:13:44 UTC
topaz_eyes July 27 2008, 02:35:07 UTC
Oh for sure. The site itself says that the estimated worth of the site isn't 100% accurate. The traffic numbers give a better idea. I also agree that it costs lots of $$$ to run a site the size of fanfiction.net. If he is making a bit of a profit, I think he's earned it.

OTOH it took fanfiction.net 10 years to reach its current size and influence. Even if FanLib had done everything right, I don't think they would have reached that level in 15 months. Definitely proving that fandom isn't the get-rich-quick scheme that they thought it was.


beege22 July 28 2008, 03:17:53 UTC
If the figures for Fanlib are even approximately correct then the site is now worth one fiftieth of what was invested in it.



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