A Life Without FanLib Retrospective.

Jul 25, 2008 02:10

...because I am already feeling nostalgic.

FanLib was dismal and depressing, but did we let it get us down? Heck, no. Most of the time, I was laughing so hard I lost beverages. Some of my favorite memories:

1. The Mimbo Brothers (aka Chris and David Williams, FanLib founders) get their asses kicked by a moderator at lotrfanfiction, and learn ( Read more... )

fanlib: history, fanlib vs fandom, fanlib: dotbombing, fan creations: fanfiction

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Comments 17

lavenderfrost July 25 2008, 19:13:51 UTC
I was so stoked that the Mary McNamara article used my icons (3 of them! O_O) in her original version of that news post. XD

I became slightly internet-famous! ....for about 2 minutes. lol


meoinya July 28 2008, 05:26:12 UTC
Heh. I got that invitation letter, too. Put up three stories and then took them down when they 'revied' the TOS. I just wish I could remove my e-mail address from their database. I couldn't cancel the account that I made to upload my fic. feh.


auronlu August 9 2008, 06:47:39 UTC
Iiiinnteresting. I just went there today to check on something, saw it was down, and sure enough, you folks are on it. Though I hadn't seen this community before; I assumed from the title you might be refugees. Guess not.

Its dissolution is a non-event! Whee! Well, for some people I'm sure it's a downer; it had gotten pretty big despite driving a lot of us away in the early stages.

Edit: Yep, on closer inspection, I see the usual bobbing, dazed passengers scrambling for life vests among the wreckage. Sad. Online communities are a lot like stars -- some die of old age, some explode unexpectedly, some collapse into a horrible knot leaving a hole in the universe, and some live a good long life and eventually provide helpful nutrients to stars born from their remains.

I was one of the folks who took all my stories down after several members of the LJ Final Fantasy fandom pointed to telesilla's breakdown of the TOS. I left a message in my Fanlib profile pointing to her post. Funny, because I landed a featured story on the front page shortly ( ... )


ingriam August 14 2008, 02:17:19 UTC
That was rather fun. Thanks for compiling it. :D


atom_bunny August 23 2008, 20:01:33 UTC
Wow - I'm late to the party (as usual) but I'm stoked to see that FanLib got it's just desserts.

Also, this was a great recap of events. Thank you for reminding us of the Lulz and the worries of last year. ^_^


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