Hollywood Union Authorized to Strike

Oct 19, 2007 23:07

From the San Francisco Chronicle:

Members of Hollywood's film and television writers union have overwhelmingly voted to authorize a strike anytime after their contract expires at the end of the month [October 31st ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

elfwreck October 20 2007, 07:37:04 UTC
That's Fanlib's secret plan... they saw this coming, and made sure to have a huge stable of scab writers ready to jump in and fill the gap in case of a strike. They've been training them to write different kinds of scripts on command, and after Nov 1, they'll reveal that one of the obscure fine print parts of the TOS allows them to use anything ever posted on Fanlib in case of a WGA strike, in the interests of national morale. They plan on getting rich selling third-rate fanauthor scripts to desperate studios.

At least, I think that's what they're doing. The only other option is that they think they really can make money on clickthrough advertising attached to mediocre fanfic in an eye-searing display on a site where concrit is all but forbidden.


ceresi October 20 2007, 15:44:58 UTC
I think it's safe to say that if FanLib's plan was to replace the Hollywood writing industry with fanfic authors, it was an abysmal failure. I still think FanLib's only real ambition was to create another YouTube, one without all the copyright infringement lawsuits.


okelay October 21 2007, 04:29:13 UTC
so now is the time cracktastic badfic becomes real??
i can see some people taking the chance to sell their scripts or studio execs thinking "how hard can it be?" and putting random assistants to write or something-

i really hope it works. then maybe 90% of movies and tv wouldnt suck.


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