In defense of Grigori Grabovoi.
Resource: Newsland; Author: Volna888, 11/23/2010; 03:00 AM;
Comments - 795; Views - 38256;
The Temptations of Vladimir Vorsobin; Source: A curious reader, typing the name VORSOBIN in a search engine, will get a collection of information that talks not
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Comments 4
But many Russian citizens, in order to allow the accusation against G.P. Grabovoi, for some reason "suddenly" forgot about the Bible, and that it says about the Universal Resurrection, about eternal life, and a person who brought the Teaching of Salvation to the world, simply cannot be a swindler.
Преступный замысел представителей КП состоял в том, чтобы указанной публикацией создать информационное прикрытие возможным агентурным действиям, связанным с воздействием на Грабового Г.П.. Указанные действия, противодействующих Грабовому Г.П., предусмотрены статьями 277, 205.1 УК РФ.
As we have seen over the years, the "machinist" ("the engine driver") has enjoyed doing his job. The results of the work done are clearly visible to all. And the question arises - to whom was this temptation given by the devil? Was it to Vorsobin alone? He is a journalist, a performer + (his power did not forget).
What kind of work did Vorsobin and Co. need to do?
- To discredit the growing movement of the DRUGG party (Voluntary Dissemination of the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi)...
- To close the discussion of the terrorist attack in Beslan by triggering technologies...
- To close the forecast on Nalchik (terrorist attack on October 13-14, 2005)...
- To organize a continuous slander campaign against G.P. Grabovoi and his followers ...
- To intimidate the entourage of the Leader of the organizing Party by summoning them for interrogations in the prosecutor's office ...
- To initiate criminal proceedings against G.P. Grabovoi (twice the prosecutor's office refused to initiate criminal proceedings...)
- Other issues, which were developed personally by the prosecutor's office, but which became known from "strange victims"
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