There is always a choice: sword or Roman law?
Court records
According to Art. Art. 245, 259 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, a protocol of the court session is kept in the court session, which sets out the actions and decisions of the court, as well as the actions of the participants in the trial, fully and correctly reflects all the necessary information about the course of the consideration of the case.
In describing the illegal criminal prosecution of Grigori Grabovoi, we will rely on the records of the court sessions of the Tagansky District Court as facts voiced and recorded in the court sessions. That is, we take the countervector that they used against us. Only they used illegal methods, or rather, unlawful, that is, violating the articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, articles of international law and the laws of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
In a lecture dated April 1, 2005, Grigori Grabovoi warned that "there are forces of destruction, there are forces of creation - we believe that they are equal, have equal rights."
“Therefore, in principle, when identifying, for example, the structure of control, we still act in the legislative field, that is, we save people, create eternal development for them; therefore, in principle, the guideline is quite simple: it means that the structure that works in within the constitutional field, let's say, yes?.. protecting people's lives and so on - this is a fairly simple and fairly understandable structure by everyone, which, in general, for us has either a neutral or, for example, some kind of well-positive level". (G.P. Grabovoi "Distribution of the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi to the Internet").
The forces of destruction have never considered that the forces of creation have equal rights with them.
"... everyone knows that they can be created by means, as if, of an external economic infusion: a number of employees are simply paid, sometimes there can be a lot of them who just work in a counterlevel. This refers to employees of some ordinary organizations who are assigned to work, for example, against, yes?.. There may, of course, be infusions not necessarily economic, there may be ideological ones: suppose the neo-fascists seek to reduce the population and so on.
<…> …naturally, it is clear here that some rather large, perhaps, financial or ideological funds will be exhibited in the counterlevel; it is possible, that is, a combination or a special creation, as if, of ideological counterlevels." (G.P. Grabovoi "Distribution of the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi to the Internet").
This is exactly what we have been seeing for almost 20 years. E. Milashina, a journalist of "Novaya Gazeta", based on her sources of information, wrote in 2008: "The names, surnames and houses of Grabovoi's accomplices are known even to journalists. Moreover, for a long time (about a year before Grabovoi's arrest), the sect was actively developed by employees of the relevant department of the central office of the FSB." (in 2008, information about the DRUGG Party was widely known, but journalists called the party, as if, the offensive word "sect", due to the hire nature of their materials, paid for by international terrorism).
When I wrote that "Komsomolskaya Pravda" and Vorsobin used the intelligence network of law enforcement agencies for their provocative actions, E. Milashina confirms the same about herself and "Novaya Gazeta" (she is an employee of the newspaper): "The names, surnames and houses of Grabovoi's accomplices are known." It can be assumed that this is known to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation from the statements of the followers of the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi about strange victims, about lawlessness in court, about slander in the media, and so on. And what does "Names, surnames and houses" have to do with it? Was the DRUGG Party underground? Was it forbidden? Or is the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi prohibited? This blatant lie confirms cooperation (communication, contact) with representatives of terrorism or their accomplices, who paid for the slander and organized campaign against G.P. Grabovoi.
What does G.P. Grabovoi say about terrorism in the Tagansky District Court or in his Petitions from the pre-trial detention center?
Grabovoi G.P.: "... I was fulfilling my civic duty by engaging in counter-terrorism activities, but even in the pre-trial detention center I was hindered in this. I was pressured to prevent me from defending myself in this criminal case. The conditions of my detention were illegal. Among other things, this is evidenced by the fact that the indictment was seized from me, as well as the protocol for diagnosing malfunctions and damages of the Balakovo NPP. I think these are purposeful actions." (Protocol of the Tagansky Court, June 10, 2008).
PROTOCOL of the Tagansky Court, April 10, 2008:
"The defendant (G.P. Grabovoi): The text on Nalchik coincides with my forecast?
Witness Komarova: It's about Beslan.
The defendant: Did I mention that one group trained both terrorists in Beslan and Nalchik? This is stated in the first and last paragraph, case sheet 59, volume 3.
Witness Komarova: Yes, I heard this text.".
"To the Director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation Patrushev Nikolai Platonovich from Grabovoi Grigori Petrovich (outgoing number) 10/76/5/G-35/1125:
Due to the available data that the international terrorist Osama Bin Laden is the customer of the criminal prosecution of me, I request that an investigation be conducted on the legality of the initiation of a criminal case against me on March 20, 2006 by the former deputy prosecutor of Moscow Nikonov M.E. According to these data with media reports, Osama Bin Laden, through dummy links, paid high officials and some structures to prosecute me. There are indeed grounds for such actions, since the counter-terrorism technologies of my Teaching on accurate forecasting of terrorist attacks have been proven in practice and scientifically.
For example, on March 23, 2001, I transmitted an accurate forecast, which was then signed by Academician Savin and corresponding member of the RAS Bondur, about the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.
In the presence of more than 1,000 people on September 16, 2005, with precision on the specified date - October 13, 14, 2005, I made a forecast of an attack on Nalchik using hardware-digital information processing from Rostov-on-Don, Nalchik modules, which prevented a nuclear catastrophe.
Therefore, there is a suspicion why exactly the work on hardware-digital processing of information carried out on the technical devices Polytron and KM (Crystal Module), for which contracts were concluded and there is an approved estimate of work, are incriminated to me as a crime. <…>
I ask you to facilitate the cancellation of the decision to involve me as an accused person, because I am innocent.
Grabovoi G.P. "June 14, 2006".
All these facts were known and confirmed, but there were more than two years before the illegal Judgement…
G.P. Grabovoi filed a Petition to the Tagansky Court on April 23, 2007, the petition was read out at the court session, but it was rejected by the prosecution, although the lawyers supported it.
Let's turn once again to the facts that were announced in court.
The Protocol of the International Public Association "CHARTER DRUGG" states the following:
"G.P. Grabovoi - this regard, I also wanted to inform you that the expertise that was conducted, and these data were forwarded to the Federal Security Service, that the Institute of Latin America and the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (expertise signed by employees of these institutes, - note of A.K.), are two institutes that are directly related to the drug trafficking scandal from Brazil, from which funds were also used to finance the terrorist act of September 11, 2001 by the American branch of Al-Qaeda under the direct leadership of Osama bin Laden.
The Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences appears as an organization whose specialists in the mid-90s used verbal psychotechnologies to ensure the criminal activities of Shamil Basayev (an international terrorist in the Caucasus, - note of A.K).
<...> a statement was made back in June 2006. It is additionally required as a basis to make a request for the qualification of experts, because there are concrete facts about the involvement of these institutions in such variants of events related to terrorism. While the same "Vesti" program reported that there is, among other things, the involvement of terrorism in my criminal case"…
"The IMPEX private detective Agency has established that all the victims and prosecution witnesses in the criminal case of Grigori Grabovoi No. 376062 are members of one of the seven criminal satanic sects created abroad."
"The defendant (G.P. Grabovoi): Do you know anything about the activities of Sokolov-Mitrich?
Witness Komarova: Yes. Information has been published on the Internet that he promotes fascist activities and is a member of a satanic website.
Chairperson: Did Sokolov-Mitrich speak on these websites under the same pseudonym?
Witness Komarova: I can't say for sure, but I know that it was the text of his authorship."
<...> " Chairperson: What was the surname under the text?
Witness Komarova: Sokolov-Mitrich.
The defendant: Have you met with the fact that Sokolov-Mitrich is accused of extremism?
Witness Komarova: Yes, it is planned to initiate a lawsuit against him."
(PROTOCOL of the Tagansky Court, April 10, 2008, p.17, par.3-6 above; par.11-14 above).
(Note of A.K.: Sokolov-Mitrich is a journalist, the creator of many slanderous materials about G.P. Grabovoi).
There is such information in the Internet space:
"At the investigation, in connection with the illegal termination of the interrogation of witnesses for the defense, the data that according to the IMPEX detective agency (
http://impeks 2007. Narod.Ru) all the victims in the case are members of a satanic sect. Satanists leave evidence of their actions in the fight against Christianity. In the criminal case, there is a photograph, reviewed in court, of the victim Satyukova in a sweater with a symbol of Satanism: horizontally arranged rows with the image of stars (Criminal Case, vol.2, case sheet 17, case sheet 39). In order for Satanists to leave physical evidence of belonging to a Satanic sect and avoid criminal liability, they must have a legal consultant.
According to the circumstances of the case, Kriventseva could have been such a consultant, especially since in the satanic sect, according to available data, the death of a relative, a member of the sect, as a result of the action or inaction of a member of the sect is accepted as a sacrifice.
Criminal cases were not initiated on the facts of the violent death of the relatives of the victims (that is, who were recognized as victims in a criminal case), this fact proves that the victims have a connection with a person with professional legal knowledge."
Strange victims from International Satanic Sects
Strange victim - provocateur Vorsobin belongs to the sect of Satanists.
About Vorsobin's belonging to the sect of Satanists (provocateur in the case against G.P. Grabovoi) I have already written more than once:
1. "Искушения Владимира Ворсобина" - 2010, with interesting comments.
2. Falso o non falso? Strana vittima - il provocatore Vorsobin - 2022.
3. Fake or not fake? Strange victim - provocateur Vorsobin - 2022.
Strange victims Kriventseva M.S. from the Moscow region and Sedova T.G. from the Chelyabinsk region were at the same general seminar-sermons of Grigori Grabovoi in the cinema "The World of Kinotavr" on June 16, 2004: "The Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi about God. The universal action of God".
Satanists often gradually prepare their crimes.
Kriventseva is a lawyer by education, has 40 years of work experience in her specialty. She worked as a prosecutor, so she is an interested person initially. M.S. Kriventseva does not name the topic of the seminar, but the prosecutor E.A. Sinyushina announces the date of the visit of the general seminar by the strange victim Kriventseva.
The fact of simultaneous presence of two future "strange victims" from different regions of Russia at the general seminar of Grigori Grabovoi confirms the information of the private detective agency Impex:
Kriventseva M.S. and Sedova T.G. are both members of the Satanic sect.
The protocol of the interrogation of T.G. Sedova (Criminal Case, vol.2, case sheet 97, par.2) states that "a criminal case was investigated by the Snezhinsk City Prosecutor's Office on this fact." In the announced documents there is no information that those responsible for the death of the son of Sedova T.G. were found, the certificate of the cause of death of the son was not provided by Sedova T.G..
Sedova T.G. did not appeal the inaction of the law enforcement agencies of Snezhinsk in court. When a family member dies, a certain measure of responsibility for death always lies with other family members and loved ones. In order to get rid of this opinion about herself as the culprit of her son's death, T.G. Sedova filed an application with the prosecutor's office against G.P. Grabovoi.
The information is confirmed, among other things, by STARODUBTSEV's answers during interrogation in court:
"Lawyer Tokarev: Did your brother die due to illness?
Victim Starodubtsev: The cause of my brother's death has not been established. The manner of death was also not established, it was carbon monoxide poisoning.
Lawyer Tokarev: Did the law enforcement agencies conduct an investigation into the death of your brother?
Victim Starodubtsev: No.
Lawyer Tokarev: Did you write a statement to law enforcement agencies?
Victim Starodubtsev: No.
Lawyer Tokarev: Has the decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case been made?
Victim Starodubtsev: I don't know. But the criminal case was definitely not initiated."
“On July 4, 2004, a tragedy occurred in her family. In a car accident, her son died with his pregnant wife, her parents and a child from her 1st marriage. And shortly before that, her mother died, at Klyushnikova G.G.”(p.23, par.5-9 of the Sentence of the Tagansky District Court of the City of Moscow, dated July 07, 2008).
The investigation into the death of the relatives went on until December 30, 2004, then it was stopped, and the expert description of the fetus of the deceased wife of the son disappeared from the case file (vol.10, file sheet 63, par.15-16, 20).
“At first, the regional prosecutor's office blamed my son for the accident, they believed that he had exceeded the speed limit, lost control.” (vol.10, case file48, par.13-18).
Strange "victim" ZUBENKO L.F.
During the interrogation of the defense witness Kozlenko Irina Leonidovna, there is an entry in the protocol of the Tagansky court:
Protocol of the court session of the Tagansky District Court of Moscow, dated 07.04.2008, p.7 par.8-1 from the bottom.
"Lawyer Tokarev: Did you contact any of the victims in this criminal case? When, with whom and in connection with what?
Witness Kozlenko: In Kiev, I met with the victim Zubenko. We talked to her. I was wondering why she did that. She said that she was invited to the editorial office of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper in Moscow, there were many people who wrote statements against Grabovoi G.P. for promising to return the money. She said that there was a list of potential victims - persons who were at the reception at Grabovoi G.P. and believe that they did not get the result. She said that they were all being called on the list, promising to return the money.
Judge Konovalova: Now Zubenko has claims against Grabovoi G.P.?
Witness Kozlenko: Not, in words."
Regarding possible prosecution witnesses mentioned by Zubenko: - "there were a lot of people who wrote statements against Grabovoi G.P. for promising to return the money."
"Lawyer Tokarev: Did you communicate with witness Ryabchenko?
Witness Kozlenko: By phone. Apparently, Zubenko called Ryabchenko, informed her about me, and Ryabchenko called me. Today, after a conversation with Ryabchenko , I can say the following: she told me that no one promised her to bring the deceased children by the handle, and she admitted that she had overreacted." (Protocol of the court session of the Tagansky District Court of Moscow, dated 07.04.2008, p. 8, paragraphs 1-2 above).
Ryabchenko probably refused to be prosecution witnesses in an illegal criminal case against G.P. Grabovoi.
A native of Belarus, a citizen of Ukraine, a pensioner.
"Chairperson: What can you explain in a free story?
The victim Pankratova: On 06.10.2002, my son, born in 1957, was found dead in his apartment. I have lost my only son." (Protocol of the court session of the Tagansky District Court of Moscow, dated 08.10.2007, p.8, par.1-2, from the bottom).
In the guilty Verdict, Grabovoi G.P. is repeatedly accused of not resurrecting the relatives of the victims, whom the prosecutor's office found and prepared for the criminal prosecution of Grabovoi G.P.. These, as if, "resurrected" were either previously killed for an unknown reason, or their relatives were indirectly or directly responsible for the death of their relatives due to their inaction or, possibly, for the reason shown in this statement and related to their actions as members of a Satanic sect.
On May 11, 2005, a seminar was given: "The Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi about God. Control of the area of expansion of information". Pankratova does not mention the topic of the seminar-sermon anywhere. It was at this seminar that one could conclude that Grigori Grabovoi conducts not only individual training, but is also widely engaged in the dissemination of his Teachings, but not in treatment or resurrection. The video recording of this sermon proves that religious activity was carried out, and educational, which is especially dangerous for Satanists of all directions.
Pankratova recorded an individual meeting from memory and she had an audio recording of this meeting. As soon as the interrogation began, Pankratova Zh.K. announced that she had discs with a recording of the author's seminar and a recording on a dictaphone of her conversation with Grabovoi G.P. at an individual reception (transcript of the audio recording of the court session, dated 8.10.2007, p.2, par. 9-12 from the bottom):
"Judge Ivanova - You have brought something, as I understand it.
Pankratova - And a dictaphone recording of a conversation in the office of Grigori Petrovich. Well, I'll do it later, if it's necessary, I can.
Judge Ivanova - We will find out during the interrogation."
"Pankratova - ... In general, at a meeting with Grabovoi, with his permission, I turned on the recorder and recorded our conversation. Grabovoi told me something like that he gives the technology of control at seminars, instructions for meeting with those resurrected by technology, that is, it makes sense his words were: "I do not resurrect, I give instructions." (Protocol of the court session of the Tagansky District Court of Moscow, dated 08.10.2007, p.10, par.1, above).
Recording of a conversation between Pankratova Zh.K. and Grabovoi G.P. at an individual reception was not in demand, because it did not fit into the scenario that had already been written by the prosecutor's office and was fully supported by the panel of judges of the Tagansky court, because neither the prosecutor's office nor the court needed the truth.
Lawyer Makarov described (characterized) the current situation as follows:
"The victim's husband, O.A. Volkov, died at a respectable age when he was about 66 years old. Unfortunately, no one has invented the elixir of immortality yet. Any natural death occurs due to the natural aging of the body. It is also unclear here what actions of Grabovoi G.P. led to the death of the victim's spouse. The cause of his death could be, for example, unproven medical care in time." (Court session, 18.12.2007, vol.12, case sheet 219, par.2).
Through the Prosecutor General's Office, Anikeeva won - during the arrest of Grigori Grabovoi - an inheritance case, perhaps this speaks additionally about the reason for her perjury.
Anikeeva has not filed any claims for the death of her daughter to any doctor, although she claims that the biopsy was taken too late. (Protocol of the court session of the Tagansky District Court of Moscow, dated 13.02.2008, p. 2, par.3-4 from the bottom).
"Lawyer Makarov: Before that, did she go to the doctors?
The victim Anikeeva: She has been complaining about her stomach for a long time, but our doctor did not do a biopsy in time."
Grigori Grabovoi DOES NOT HEAL, DOES NOT RESURRECT, HE ONLY TEACHES!!! Despite the fact that none of the employees of Kalashnikov A.V., including himself, during the interrogation did not confirm that they told anyone about the possibility of resurrection or treatment of someone by Grabovoi G.P., Anikeeva continues to assert the opposite. Only the servants of the Antichrist - Satanists can lie and insult like Anikeeva L.A..
"Defendant (G.P. Grabovoi): I think that it is not necessary to attach to the case the civil claim of Anikeeva L.A., since she violated Article 9 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, according to which humiliation of the honor and dignity of the defendant is not allowed. Phrases about "absolute evil" and about the fact that it was stopped, I regard as a humiliation of my honor. In addition, the statement of claim contains the legal qualification of the victim of my actions, which violates Article 14 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation - the presumption of innocence. " (Protocol of the court session of the Tagansky District Court of Moscow, dated 13.02.2008, p.32, par.1 from the bottom).
Judges, in court sessions, allowed strange victims to humiliate the human dignity of Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi: this also confirms the ordered nature of the criminal prosecution.
"Lawyer Makarov: <...> I have repeatedly made statements about the falsification of the materials of the criminal case. Anikeeva L.A. signed the protocol of her interrogation not on the day of the interrogation itself, but the next day. I think and believe that Anikeeva L.A. signed on blank forms, and the protocol was made by imposing printed text on the signature of the victim. (Protocol of the court session of the Tagansky District Court of Moscow, dated February 13, 2008, p.34, par.5 above).
In the photo Satyukova S.N. in a sweater, which depicts a characteristic pattern in the form of Satanic signs, namely inverted stars. This is not an accident. Let's repeat the information again:
In the criminal case, there is a photograph, reviewed in court, of the victim Satyukova in a sweater with a symbol of Satanism: horizontally arranged rows with the image of stars (Criminal Case, vol.2, case sheets 17;39).
In testimonies from the Protocol of the court session on criminal case No. 1-132-07/3, dated June 6, 2007, witness Efremova confirms that she met Grabovoi G.P. at the author's seminar on October 5, 2004. The author's seminar-sermon by Grigori Grabovoi was held on October 6, 2004: "The Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi about God. Control by Light". As you know, Satanists are against the universal action of God and against the Light, that is, against Life itself, since their symbol is death.
The topic of this seminar confirms the conclusion that Grigori Grabovoi was widely engaged in the dissemination of his Teaching. The video recording of this sermon proves that educational religious activities were carried out, and this is especially dangerous for Satanists of all directions.
Statements were written on all the strange victims; copies of the statements have been freely available for many years and posted on the website: "Международное общественное объединение «ХАРТИЯ ДРУГГ»".
Antonina, a defense witness in the Tagansky court in 2008.