The Epic Rationalization List + Picspam

Sep 01, 2009 02:25

This is another offspring of my boredom.

This is not a piece of fiction - albeit, that is coming very very soon.

I've seen the Season Three Episode One promo. If I may be permitted to say, any form of Sheldon is hot. Ergo, his scruffy, just-came-back-from-the-North-Pole look makes me want to eat him in his nummy-nummy goodness! As I've said before, I'm preparing of what's to come in terms of the Leonard and Penny raft. There, I said it. Leonard and Penny's relationship equals a very rickety raft and ours is larger than the Queen Mary II. Enough said.

Screen-capping and Pixelmatoring has become my life the past week - and here are some of my laborious work!

WARNING: Image heavy!


The Honourable Mentions

Reason Number Thirty-Five:
Because Soft Kitty is their song.

I find it quite endearing that Penny remembered Soft Kitty even after over a year of not singing it to Sheldon and the fact that for what we know, she has only sung the song once before. The reason this song is ingrained in my memory is because of Rayna's fiction, "The Intrinsic Happiness Quotient" where she added a second verse! (Oops! I should probably have said "Spoiler Alert!").

Reason Number Thirty-Four:
Sheldon is hurt when Penny doesn't say goodbye.

I dare you to look at the different levels of HURT that Sheldon's face expresses here. It's almost GOLD.

Reason Number Thirty-Three:
Not!Sheldon freaks Penny out.

This demonstrates how Penny has already gotten used to Sheldon's peculiarity (her perspective). Let's just retract a little bit and recall Season One, Episode Eight's scene where Penny remarked, "I swear to God, Sheldon. One day I'm gonna get the hang of talking to you." It seems our Penny has already done that and now, if Sheldon's not being himself, she's able to pick it up straight away.

Reason Number Thirty-Two:
Because Sheldon asks Penny for a lift first. That is, right after Leonard, of course.

Yes, I know. Some of you might say, but it will be easier for him since she lives across the road. However, if you think about it, there are Raj and Howard who are his colleagues who will be going to work at the University anyway. So why Penny? Sometimes, I smile when I think of questions relating to Sheldon and Penny that I cannot answer.

Reason Number Thirty-One:
Because Penny knew about the bungee-cord-on-the-bus incident.

Was she with him? How did she know about that? Did he tell her first? Again, it just makes me smile that she knows things about him that other people don't and vice-versa.

The Elite Thirty

Reason Number Thirty:
Because he formally requests sanctuary.

I was dumbfounded when Sheldon knocked on Penny's door and asked her to help him get rid of Ramona. It's team work, it's Penny and Sheldon, it's just absolute WIN~ He also notes that he has observed that men after men leave her apartment never to return. Was he being insulting? I hardly think so. He was merely pointing out a fact that he knows about Penny's love-life.

Reason Number Twenty-Nine:
Sheldon does not let anyone else handle his food but Penny.

It's a real paradox, an irony even, that Penny has been once dubbed, Sheldon's hamburger toucher and yet, he will not let anyone else serve him his food but Penny.

Reason Number Twenty-Eight:
Because Sheldon asks Penny for favours and advices.

Again, she is his first choice in asking for advice about 'dating and relationships.' He does not mean to mock her, he is genuine and he really thinks that she would be of help to him. Sheldon already unknowingly functions in a reciprocal relationship with Penny where he provides her with 'tech support' and Age of Conan training and she, in turn, helps him understand the world better. They bring a balance into each other's lives and they don't even know it yet.

Reason Number Twenty-Seven:
Because they watched The Lake House together.

A lot of fan fictions have already mentioned this and I just like to point it out. I haven't seen the movie myself so I don't know if it is as bad as Sheldon implies it to be or if it's just sweet and sappy, the way Penny likes it.

Reason Number Twenty-Six:
Because Sheldon explains things to Penny.

He doesn't slow down for Penny. He knows she'll be able to keep up and understand her. Albeit, there are those moments when Sheldon would just completely go off into a different tangent and she'd lose track of what he's saying. Nonetheless, Sheldon is the teacher and Penny is the student. For her to repeat and know exactly the concept of Schrodinger's cat makes me get all warm and fuzzy. She listens while he talks  and she remembers.

Reason Number Twenty-Five:
Because Sheldon knuckles under Penny.

The beautiful mind of Sheldon Cooper doesn't usually follow other people's orders because he knows that he's right and he would always do everything his way. Since Penny has entered his life, Sheldon's actions have slowly been changing. It's not bullying, as some might say, what Penny does. She merely wants him to change his ways and let 'acceptance towards other people's opinions' be an integral part of his character. In the Pilot episode, we see that Sheldon accommodated her by sitting in another spot besides his own. Also, in The Hamburger Postulate episode, he gives in to ordering the BBQ burger because she tells him to do so ("Because you're not at Big Boy!"). Sheldon knuckling under to Penny is a sign that he's changing and that she's playing a very significant role in that.

Reason Number Twenty-Four:
Because Penny does not knuckle under Sheldon.

I love Penny in so many ways. The reason that surpasses all of the others, however, is that she's such a strong feminine character (and I'm a solid feminist, myself). She doesn't stand down just because a man like Dr. Sheldon Cooper who has an IQ that cannot be accurately measured threatens her/banishes her. She fights for her position and shows him that she's capable of putting things into motion just as he is. I love how they challenge each other this way. They're not boring, awkward and they don't have to suck up to each other to stay in each other's company *coughs*Leonard*coughs*.

Reason Number Twenty-Three:
Because Sheldon genuinely smiles at Penny.

'Nuff said.

Reason Number Twenty-Two:
Because Sheldon does not believe that a woman like Penny can be both attractive and skilled at a video game.

He admits that she's attractive, from a different class of species. Again, coming from Dr. Sheldon Cooper, this is something beyond complimenting Penny.

Reason Number Twenty-One:
Because they are couch-humping buddies!

I saw this as an icon and I thought it was really cute since Penny's the only one who, for most of the time, sits in Sheldon's spot.

Reason Number Twenty:
Because Penny's a Sagittarius and Sheldon's a typical Taurus - opposites attract.

Reason Number Nineteen:
Because Sheldon knows Penny.

Okay, she knows about the bungee cord and he knows about her clothes. He knows not to wake her up when she's sleeping because if you knock at her door before 11 am, she'll punch you in the throat. He knows that Penny (with the exception of Kurt) never goes out with the same guy twice (oh and Stuart). He knows when she's out of clean clothes. He knows about her bear collection. He knows her. Does Leonard?

Reason Number Eighteen:
Because Ramona saw it.

Sometimes, I wonder, if this episode had more scenes added to it, did Ramona see more of Penny and Sheldon's interactions that made her come to this conclusion? Would Ramona have killed Penny in the end? Did Sheldon talk about Penny to Ramona a lot? Why did she say this (besides the obvious of course)?

Reason Number Seventeen:
Because he has touched her brassieres.

I'm still wondering how he got them up on that telephone wire. Many fictions have put forward their guesses but I'm going to leave it as an enigma for me. The thought of him touching her clothes, though... well, let's just leave it to the fact that it makes me ship them more.

Reason Number Sixteen:
Because Sheldon knows better than to wake Penny up.

Again, personal growth and knowledge of Penny on Sheldon's behalf. I love it!

Reason Number Fifteen:
Because he knows that Leonard is delusional in maintaining a sexual relationship with Penny.

Right from the start, he's already told Leonard that he's not going to get together with Penny - well, at least, not in a long-term relationship. Leonard's still in denial and is blinded by the idea of Penny. As the seasons progressed, it hit me that Leonard no longer likes Penny like he did at the beginning - he simply likes the idea of going out with Penny. Leonard would go out with any other woman that became interested in him like Leslie and of course, Stephanie or someone else that he might find attractive such as Alicia. He only wants Penny when he knows that he can't get her. It's quite sad, really.

Reason Number Fourteen:
Because Sheldon is socially/personally evolving because of Penny.

She taught him the applied concept of 'blackmail,' the non-optional social convention of gift-giving and 'sarcasm.' He is slowly learning about her different facial expressions and their meanings and I think that again, this is a gargantuan thing for Sheldon to partake in.

Reason Number Thirteen & Reason Number Twelve:
Because Sheldon doesn't want Leonard to ask Penny out & because Sheldon doesn't want Penny to go out with Leonard.

I'll leave that to y'all to ponder on.

Reason Number Eleven:
Because Sheldon is learning 'sarcasm' from Penny.

He gets it then he doesn't. Then he gets it then he doesn't. With Penny's constant sardonic remarks, she becomes Sheldon's guide on the tone and complexity of sarcasm. He's still learning but he's progressing as we can see from The Dead Hooker Juxtaposition episode.

Reason Number Ten:
Because Sheldon wants Penny to take care of him.

Sheldon's so adorable. He doesn't even realise the words that come out of his mouth when he's sick.

Reason Number Nine:
Penny gets Sheldon's food right.

It's not because she's good at taking orders. It's because she knows how he likes his food. She knows him.

Reason Number Eight:
Because Sheldon lends Penny money and he is willing to give her more.

He's so generous *sigh* Again, this is a sign that Sheldon trusts Penny to an extent that he lends her money. This says something that is unspoken between these two - or at the very least, how Sheldon has come to perceive Penny.

Reason Number Seven:
Because Penny stays on Sheldon's list of friends, even if she's "not one of them."

Has anyone come up with a theory for his possible reasonings here? :D

Reason Number Six:
Sheldon, to Penny, is a beautiful mind genius guy.

As many has pointed out, these two were flirting with each other a lot in the Pilot episode. His shy smile and her compliments and gazes. Sheldon looking down on the floor, it reminds me of the cliche "high school cheerleader meets the quiet nerd" idea. She calls him a beautiful mind genius guy again in The Vegas Renormalisation episode.

Reason Number Five:
Sheldon cannot and does not fall asleep in anyone else's bed but his and Penny's.

Sheldon went to Raj house to no avail. Sheldon went to Howard's house, and tried to slumber on his bed, naught. He sleeps in Penny's bed and he falls asleep *thud* I'll be running around the house like a person on crack if anybody needs me.

Reason Number Four:
Because Sheldon vows to keep Penny's secret(s) at all costs.

If he wasn't drugged, what would have ensued from this? Up to what extent do you think Sheldon is willing to go to protect Penny's secret? It's because they're friends and that this is an implied covenant of friendship that he does his best to keep the secret. For crying out loud! Sheldon actually moved out just so he won't end up slipping! Again, I like to think that there's more to it than just Penny losing trust in him and that he'll break their friendship if he tells anyone... Well, at least, that's what I like to think.



Reason Number Three:
Because Sheldon goes as far as to drink coffee to help Penny finish the ordered Penny Blossoms.

Reason Number Two:
Because Sheldon lets Penny touch him.

Reason Number One:
Because Penny gave Sheldon the best Saturnalia ever, which resulted to a 'miracle.'

Thoughts? Comments?

Hope you guys enjoyed this!


sheldon/penny, tbbt

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