The choreography on this is hot (men dancing in heels = fierce as fuck), but the top comment makes me laugh: The one in the middle looks like [BBC's Sherlock's] Jim Moriarty. It's funny, because he... kind of does? o.O Like I wouldn't have noticed it on my own, but now with the suggestion in my mind, I can't unsee
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Comments 7
Truly, the only reason I keep the DVDs is when I have a fic-related question lol. But I watch only what I have to, and I don't like what I see at all. I'm hoping that as I work through Fear of Fire Leaves ( ... )
House is such a complex character, it's so bad you fell that way cause of one action he made. And i understand that you don't like what he did of course but he is damaged and of course what he did was horrible. I' m not gonna explain why i get what he did cause i'm sure we don't share the same opinion ;)
I would have love to see what they have in mind for season 8 with cuddy.. that would have been interesting to watch for sure !
You could still re watch season 1 to 7 ;) I loved re watching season 1 to 4 cause they are my fav, it's always so much fun to re watch House for me, I wish it was the same for you.
I hope writing FOF will get you to like again the show cause you seem so passionate about these 2, it would be a shame to give up :)
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