PSA: I am alive and well and my city is fucking covered in ice

Dec 22, 2013 18:53

So Toronto just got hit by an ice storm. I'm fine, everyone I know is fine, last I heard on the news there were no serious injuries or deaths, but a shitload of traffic lights are out - I took the bus to my grandma's and although I wasn't looking on the way there, on the way back there wasn't a single working traffic light on the route - and large ( Read more... )

world: oh toronto..., place: a dw/lj crosspost

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Comments 7

sabotabby December 23 2013, 18:06:57 UTC
Glad you're okay. I also got off lucky. If you lack power at any point, my place has it.


lienne December 23 2013, 18:09:12 UTC
Awesome. <3 Lemme know if you need somebody to haul groceries for you anytime soon - if the ice isn't clear on your sidewalks yet, I'm betting the walk to the grocery store will be the opposite of fun. And you know how much I love doing yuor grocery shopping. (I have such weird interests.)


sabotabby December 23 2013, 18:11:29 UTC
I should possibly do grocery shopping today, as I think things might be closed tomorrow. And yet. There is an option of not leaving my house and making burgers and pizza come to me, and I wouldn't even feel that guilty because I spent all weekend running around in the woods.

I think the sidewalk is clear-I saw someone doing it a few hours ago-but if it's not, I shall hit you up on that offer.


canadabear December 23 2013, 19:35:00 UTC
I had pretty much no power all day yesterday. Boo.


lienne December 23 2013, 19:35:41 UTC
Boo! Doing okay now, though?


canadabear December 23 2013, 19:38:15 UTC
Yep. Came back around 3am, I think. On the plus side (I think) I now know the excitement of showering by candelight with cats.


lienne December 23 2013, 19:39:46 UTC
That does sound exciting. <3


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