
Jun 22, 2005 21:59

It's times like these that I'm so effing bored I don't know what to do with myself.

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Comments 30

myheartisice June 23 2005, 14:39:24 UTC
please don't do that to him come on look he didn't put me up to it I really just want to know to talk to him about it
please don't be like that and I have told him to move on to he won't look I just what to know talk to me on my s/n really please don't be mad at him he didn't do anything I asked he told I'm sorry ok don't punish him please


toasted_undies June 23 2005, 21:33:59 UTC
What the fuck! Leave her alone. You don't even fucking know her and you only know one side of the fucking story. Your just making everything fucking worse. You fucking prick. FUCK OFF!! And if you care about your fucking friend so much why don't you get with him. Make him not as lonely.



lickthebadger June 23 2005, 22:01:59 UTC
Ahhhh! I <3 you, Shelley!


toasted_undies June 23 2005, 22:02:41 UTC
Haha i <3 you too sweets.


firebringspeace June 23 2005, 14:42:07 UTC
yeah thats right please comeone please don't do that to me you know how I feel didn't know he was going to get noisy I'm sorry please don't punish me. I didn't do anything holly it was brian come on


firebringspeace June 23 2005, 14:58:57 UTC
wait a sec I thought someone told me something you need people because you love them and that person was you , i mean holly you told me alot of things but that one I took ot heart and I don't won't you holly I need you and I need you because I love you holly you use to beleive in that and it is still true. look I need to talk to you not him ok brian made a big mistake. If you make it friends only then plesae make me a friend because I really don't want to be completly excluded please holly don't punish me please?


lickthebadger June 23 2005, 20:33:23 UTC
Mitchell, you're driving me fucking crazy!

You are making it harder and harder for me to want to talk to you at all! I broke up with you cos you wouldn't give me the fucking space I needed and you're STILL NOT GIVING ME THE FUCKING SPACE I NEED!


toasted_undies June 23 2005, 21:36:23 UTC
You sound like a crazy fucking stalker. Your honestly making it much harder and much worse on both of you. Just leave poor Holly alone. You sound like a total nut job. She broke up with you, get over it and move on. Theres other people out there, leave her the fuck alone.

You crazy prick.


firebringspeace June 23 2005, 21:50:02 UTC
hey you don't know me so fuck ooff ok you don't know how I feel and ok golly really I just am saying sorry for my fucking stupid friend please don't fuck yell at me I left you alone and you know what else I left you a really long message and I mean every word ok.

but really holly I didn't do anything don't be mad at me please
I didn't do anything this time I was leaving you alone


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