Fic post

Jul 31, 2006 18:04

Title: Fevered
Summary: Hutch goes back to the disco for something, and finds something else. 
Episode related: It's a sort of tag to Season Four's "Discomania"
Rating: Adult
Word count: About 3,400
Warning: Hutch/not!Starsky, although really, the pairing is S/H of course.


Marty opened the door four inches.

Hutch, already starting forward, ( Read more... )

story post

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Comments 33

Sharp edges... fee_folay August 1 2006, 22:53:19 UTC
hmmmmmmm. delicious.

This was intense... and I can certainly see Season 4 Hutch going this route. Hungry. Desperate. Feeling too much "me" without enough of the "thee".

I really like how you managed to have Starsky always THERE even though he is never physically present.... he just *is*... so much a part of Hutch that he's always close at hand - though not close enough.

Your writing style is very spare here, but it works well for this piece, because the piece itself is such a stark look at the shadows of a man's soul.

Very nice.

Fee *who is also pleased to see another chapter of Dumping Delores -which she will get to later*


Re: Sharp edges... librathree August 2 2006, 05:04:13 UTC
Thank you!

I really like how you managed to have Starsky always THERE even though he is never physically present

Thanks for this particularly; I wanted him to be present emotionally for Hutch, all the more in that what he's doing with Marty, he's doing because he can't do it with Starsky. I'm glad that came through. Thanks again for your kind words. :)


dragonmuse August 2 2006, 00:35:29 UTC
Wow. The pain from all sides was just fantastic. Especially with Starsky's quiet concern forever in the background, and Hutch's guilt almost tangible it was so much at times. I liked Marty in particular. You made him come to life, and I really felt for him, he wasn't just some extra used to move the plot along.

Simply brilliant. :)


librathree August 2 2006, 05:05:43 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm always so glad to see a reader "get it," you know? You saw what I was trying to put across, Hutch's need, Marty's humanness, and Starsky always always there, but not, for Hutch, quite there enough. :)


kassidy62 August 2 2006, 03:21:33 UTC
Holy God, where'd you come from? This is fantastic. The whole thing is poetry and the end - Hutch frantic, he can't hide it, tell him no, and then: "Yeah." He felt so weary and at the end of his rope. I hope we see much more from you. I have an S&H website and I'd love to put your S&H work on my site if you're interested.


librathree August 2 2006, 05:07:43 UTC
Where'd I come from? :) MFU by way of Harry Potter, when it comes to being actually active in fandom. :) Thank you so much for reading and enjoying, and, hell, if you want to host my stuff, sure, I'll let ya. :) Just let me know what I need to do for you.

Thanks again.


kassidy62 August 2 2006, 12:15:36 UTC
Okay, I put your stories up. here's the urls for the sites:

one is slash, one is a gen site. If there's anything that needs changing or you'd like to see different, let me know, and I'll get your latest up as you finish it:)

oh, my email is, and if you'd like a feedback address added, I've left it blank on the slash site, so let me know. Anytime you want to sub a fiction, just write me there, or I can come copy it, as you prefer.


librathree August 2 2006, 17:52:55 UTC
Wow, you're way efficient! Do please go ahead and add as my feedback address. Thanks!

(Goes to peek)


CMT Fevered anonymous August 15 2006, 12:49:50 UTC
Hi Libra Three!

I've just read your story. Wow, that was intense. It left me breathless. How you captured Hutch's reactions, his feelings for Marty; it was painful. I would long for a sequel, including Starsky...

Thanks fo a great read!



Re: CMT Fevered librathree August 15 2006, 20:00:37 UTC
Thanks! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it. I probably won't do a sequel, but you can bet I'm imagining him and Starsky coming to an understanding. :)
Thanks again.


lolabobs February 3 2007, 22:04:27 UTC
ooh, this was reccd on Me & Thee - and I'm very glad it was.
Dark but not bleak.

I loved :
"He hated those minutes, those hard, slick, exquisite minutes, most of all."
most of all.

But then this bit came and nabbed me..

"What the fuck was he going to do, get drunk? Drown his grief? He wasn’t grieving. This wasn’t a disaster, it wasn’t a broken heart. It wasn’t any fucking thing.

So why do you feel like shit?"

This was just so... my words are failing me,I wanna say depressing, but I don't mean it! You brought me down with this, put me in Hutch's space, and then lifted me right at the end with the flash of optimism. Not a great big happy ending, but hope of the same.


librathree February 4 2007, 00:30:59 UTC
Thanks so much. This is very much NOT the way I like to do things - I'm a total happy ending fiend, usually. But somehow watching that ep made this story just insist on being written.

I'm glad it worked for you! You can bet that I picture Starsk coming over and them eventually getting together. :) They belong together.

Thanks again for reading and commenting.


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