Title: Holding The Line
Fandom: Dollhouse
Pairing: Topher/Adelle (?)
Rating: R
Spoilers: Up to 1x12
Warnings: Character body death, body-stealing, issues of consent, technical genderswap.
Disclaimer: In no way mine or anything to do with me, I own nothing.
Summary: Adelle wakes up in the chair.
AN: 'Bodyswap' cliche, for
cliche_bingo .
Holding The Line )
Comments 33
And I laughed so hard at the irony of her finding herself in Mr Dominic's body. The dialogue was perfect.
I did think that would be a fantastic irony, thank you :)
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You haven't truly made it until you need to be eliminated with extreme prejudice Y/N?
Topher is awesome, he needs to get to do more awesome things. Possibly in some sort of post-apocalyptic environment, geniuses aren't happy unless they can save the world under pressure!
Thank you! ♥
I cheat at stuff because I can get away with it, mwahahahaha.
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Who wants to be moderately dangerous! It's like being the spoon of the cutlery world, no one wants to be the spoon!
Topher as MacGyver is the my new favouritist 'show that will never exist.' I mourn for it.
I am! I am cute and harmless and I get away with things, see me getting away with things :D
Thank you for reading.
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I agree, Topher is just awesome ♥
Thank you for reading.
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