Title: Aftermath Author: Corona Fandom: Life on Mars Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: In no way mine or anything to do with me. I own nothing. Summary: Sam considers his mental state Spoilers: Yes, all of them ( Aftermath )
I am quite sure that the following should not have made me coo with joy:
"How about if I promise to be less obviously insane at inconvenient moments, and more generally but quietly insane." Gene set the bottle down again, further away from Sam than it had been before.
"I would wager, Tyler, that I'd be hard pressed to tell the bloody difference."
On the other hand, it sounds very like them, so I'm at peace with my idiosyncratic reaction.
Comments 2
"How about if I promise to be less obviously insane at inconvenient moments, and more generally but quietly insane." Gene set the bottle down again, further away from Sam than it had been before.
"I would wager, Tyler, that I'd be hard pressed to tell the bloody difference."
On the other hand, it sounds very like them, so I'm at peace with my idiosyncratic reaction.
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