It Was All An Accident

Oct 04, 2012 08:36

Title: It Was All An Accident
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek/Stiles
Rating: R
Word Count: 3600
Disclaimer: In no way mine, or anything to do with me, I own nothing.
Summary: He's sure that some complicated law of physics is in danger of being broken here. Something about two things being incapable of occupying the same space at the same time.
AN: For pyjamagurlRead more... )

teen wolf: derek/stiles, word count: 3000-5000, genre: slash, rated: adult, teen wolf, rating: r

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Comments 65

nausicaa83 October 4 2012, 08:21:47 UTC
Or do you need to angst about it some more?

XD My precious babies! This was adorable, and hella hot too. Best way to start the day in my opinion.


entangled_now October 4 2012, 09:35:05 UTC
I love them, and their inability to communicate!

Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it.


spankulert October 4 2012, 08:37:17 UTC
Well my day is off to a smashing start.


entangled_now October 4 2012, 09:35:26 UTC
Why thank you! :)


cybel October 4 2012, 08:41:09 UTC
So, hit every one of my buttons, why don''t your?

Oh wait, you already did...


entangled_now October 4 2012, 09:35:54 UTC
Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it :)


ladysunflow October 4 2012, 08:57:50 UTC
I just read the whole backlog of your Teen Wolf fics (because really, who needs sleep), ending up with this, and I have got to say, the way you write Derek/Stiles is my favourite ever ♥ ♥ ♥


entangled_now October 4 2012, 09:36:47 UTC
Thank you very much, that's really nice of you to say. I'm happy you've been enjoying my stuff ♥


pyjamagurl October 4 2012, 09:24:24 UTC
Ah this is wonderful! I love it xD Oh Derek, you do deserve nice things! And Stiles is more than happy to prove that to you xD

Thank you so much! *hugs* this is awesome and hot, and I just love your Derek and Stiles so much :D (I love Derek being all grumpy about being snuggled and Stiles telling him to get over it, even though Derek was actually getting a bit turned on, poor Derek xD) I love the ending, I really do <33

Also, it is cold here and I am sitting wrapped in a blanket, where is my Derek when I need one, hmmm?


entangled_now October 4 2012, 09:40:05 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it :D I made you a happy ending and everything (a mostly happy ending. I still need practice XD)

Derek is going to have nice things whether he wants them or not! Ugh. I love them, so I'm happy you think I'm making them work. Derek's grumpy is my favourite, and yeah, he's all 'I don't want to be snuggled, it makes me have feelings I do not wish to cope with.' Which is the best. Oh my God, all my hugging is vaguely non-consensual lately.

Aw, don't be cold! I wish I had a spare Derek I could send you, or any Derek (though if I just had one I'd probably keep him. Because I'm a bad person.)


pyjamagurl October 4 2012, 09:46:20 UTC
It is a happy ending! A very them happy ending xD

Poor Derek, shying away from emotion, I do love Stiles dragging him under. Resistance is futile ;) Lol! It is apparently the only way Derek can be hugged at the moment, maybe in the milkshake verse they can have a consensual hug :D

I am much better now I have my blanket and coffee and beans on toast! You would, and I would force you to share. *sporks*


entangled_now October 4 2012, 10:03:45 UTC
They're not very good at the happy endings.

He just doesn't want anything to do with giving people the ability to hurt him. But Stiles is stubborn, I swear give him a hint that Derek wanted something and he'd drag it out of him. I am quite enjoying the aggressive hugging, though oh, you're right, there is some consensual hugging in the Milkshake series, sort of, also puppies! :D

LOL. I'm sure I could learn to share, instead of hoarding all the good things <3


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