Title: One Step Forward
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek/Stiles
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: 2x12
Word Count: 5000
Disclaimer: In no way mine, or anything to do with me, I own nothing.
Summary: Stiles doesn't want to look like he's trying if Derek's just going to turn up in the last clothes he got stabbed in.
AN: Fifth in the
Milkshakes and Matchsticks series.
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Comments 70
(and I want to see that movie, it sounds just like my thing)
(I swear I had the whole plot of the movie in my head, it was awful XD)
Derek is really confused about the food thing. I like the idea that he's tripping over werewolf instincts about how things are done, while Stiles is just following the 'stuff that I think happens on dates,' book.
Thank you!
I'm completely in love with this series. It's so adorkable and yet heartfelt.
I'm happy you're enjoying the series. It's a lot of fun :D
Even the Male who never reads fanfic is chortling along with this series. I'll have to see if I can get him to comment. So you can see, I'm spreading it around like wildfire.
Which makes it sound like an STD, sorry about that. I meant it as a compliment??
I feel for you, in fact I feel like you should have your own tech support, possibly following you wherever you go on some sort of tiny motorbike? You should look into that.
You're so kind, I'm happy it's making you laugh it :D
I have so much love for this series, so much! Oh, he awkardness and the failing, it is gold, GOLD!!
And yay, now they are oth on the same page, and it's a good page! :D
They're on the same page. I feel like I should release balloons or something!
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