Fic: Promises Broken, Promises Made

Nov 18, 2010 20:51

Title: Promises Broken, Promises Made
Author: Libmix
Rating: PG
Fandom: Women’s Murder Club
Pairing: Cindy/Lindsay
Disclaimer: They’re not mine; I’m just borrowing them for a while.
Beta: yellowsmurf6


Cindy knew she shouldn't do it. There was a vague memory of promising she wouldn't, but she was running late, and the alleyway was the shortest route to her destination. Besides, she had her pepper spray handy should anyone try to stop her. That counted, right?

Sending a quick message to her friends to inform them of her imminent arrival, she started down the dimly lit path. Distracted by thoughts of the evening ahead, it took the reporter a fraction of a second too long to realise she was not alone. A tall body appeared from an unlit doorway, pinning Cindy to the nearby wall before she could react.

Fear raced through her veins, eliciting a powerful fight response but her attacker was too quick, too strong, and had her body pressed too tightly against the wall, her arms raised above her head. She inhaled deeply, intending to scream for help but the words caught in her throat. There was something... familiar about the scent.

Willing herself to relax, Cindy closed her eyes and took another deep breath. Her heart began to race again, though this time it was not from fear. Recognition set in, and her body pressed back into the softness holding her captive. The hands holding hers began to shake and she felt a ragged breath released against her temple. Cindy could feel the mix of emotions swirling from her captor and mingling with her own.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "So, so sorry."

The body behind her stilled, and for a moment she feared she'd said the wrong thing. She was about to speak again when she found her world spinning. Her head hit the wall, but the pain was fleeting as lips crashed into her own. There was a desperation behind the kiss - a desperation Cindy wished she could take back, wished she hadn't put there.

The grip on her hands relaxed and she took the opportunity to lower her arms, fingers immediately reaching to hold the face in front of her. Softly she ran her thumbs over fine cheekbones, slowing the kiss to match her actions. As they broke apart, she kept up her gentle movements, wiping away tears with each stroke.

"I'm so sorry, Lindsay. I was late, and I know I promised, but I just..." She lowered her eyes, the brief flash of pain she'd seen causing her own tears to gather.

"You just what, Cindy? Just thought we made you promise for no good reason? Just thought that we were trying to make your journey longer than necessary? What would have happened if it hadn't been me? Where would you be, if... I couldn't stand it if anything... So tell me, you just what, Cindy?"

Staring into eyes as dark as her own, Cindy saw the worry, and her heart ached with the knowledge that it was she who put it there.

"I just..." She closed her eyes briefly, "I just wanted to be with you."

She opened her eyes and willed the older woman to see the truth in her words. The two women stared at each other, an unspoken conversation taking place.

Lindsay broke the connection first, clearing her throat before speaking. "Well, how about the next time you feel the urge to take a stroll down a dark alleyway, promise me you'll call me first? That way, I can come meet you, or at least keep you talking long enough for you to take the safer route."

Cindy leaned in and placed a soft kiss on the lips in front of her before whispering the two words she'd never meant more than at that moment, praying she could keep them. "I promise!"

women's murder club, fiction

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