Dec 26, 2008 19:35
Yes, some people might not be much different intoxicated as opposed to sober. But I don't remember Ayn Rand ever addressing it...
If someone is intoxicated, they've lowered their ability to rationalize presumably, they are also in a several thousand pound vehicle going atleast thirty miles per hour. This is a weapon at this point, and thus, a person driving drunk is not only responsible for themselves, but other people. Careless swurving their weapon around the public...
Do libertarians feel that the individual's right to drive home intoxicated because it is his car and his body outweighs the underlining principle that people should be able to walk home or drive their cars without having to worry about some crazy asshole driving like a bat out of hell?
NOTE: If you say "the states should decide", I'm immideatly ejecting you from this conversation as a bullshit troll". The south lost the civil war. Get over it.